APP - great sadness

did i say YOU said no private citizens should own guns? funny how you think my statement about far lefties applies to you.

guns are very regulated now. that is a fact. gun shows have not been proven to contribute to gun deaths. politicians accepting money from the NRA has not been proven to contribute to gun deaths.

what has been proven is:

ILLEGAL gun purchases contribute to the majority of gun deaths in america. thus...your call for more regulation does virtually nothing to stop illegal gun use.

You should be glad you're posting your lies here in the APP section:


Corrupt federally licensed gun dealers: Federally licensed gun dealers send more guns to the criminal market than any other single source. Nearly 60% of the guns used in crime are traced back to a small number—just 1.2%—of crooked gun dealers. Corrupt dealers frequently have high numbers of missing guns, in many cases because they’re selling guns “off the books” to private sellers and criminals. In 2005, the ATF examined 3,083 gun dealers and found 12,274 “missing” firearms.

Straw purchasing: Straw purchasing is the most common way criminals get guns, accounting for almost 50% of trafficking investigations. A straw purchaser is someone with a clean record who buys guns on behalf of someone legally prohibited from possessing guns. Straw purchasers are often the friends, relatives, spouses or girlfriends of prohibited purchasers. The two Columbine High School shooters recruited friends to buy guns for them at Colorado gun shows. One of the buyers admitted she would not have bought the guns if she had been required to submit to a background check.

Gun Shows and private gun sales: Gun shows have been called “Tupperware parties for criminals” because they attract large numbers of prohibited buyers. A loophole in federal law allows unlicensed or “private” sellers, many of whom work out of gun shows, to lawfully sell or transfer guns without conducting a criminal background check. Gun show dealers have been known to advertise to criminals with signs that read “no background checks required here.”

what lies howey? just because you are licensed doesn't mean you don't sell guns illegally.

your link does nothing to disprove what i claim, which, btw is fact. i made a thread about it in the CE section. but of course you will ignore truth, because you can't accept truth.

FACT: most murders by gun are done by illegal gun owners.

why is it you can't accept that fact howey?
what lies howey? just because you are licensed doesn't mean you don't sell guns illegally.

your link does nothing to disprove what i claim, which, btw is fact. i made a thread about it in the CE section. but of course you will ignore truth, because you can't accept truth.

FACT: most murders by gun are done by illegal gun owners.

why is it you can't accept that fact howey?

Without a source, I'll take your word for that. So where do those illegal gun owners get their weapons?


In 1994, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms received more than 85,000 requests from police departments for traces of guns used in crime.13 More than three-fourths of the guns traced were handguns, and almost one-third were less than 3 years old. In 1994, the most frequent types of guns used in homicides were large caliber revolvers, but the number of large caliber semiautomatic guns is increasing.14

In an early survey of incarcerated felons, 32 percent reported that they had acquired their most recent handgun by theft.15 A more recent survey reported that guns had been stolen by 13 percent of all arrestees, 25 percent of all juvenile arrestees, 29 percent of the gang members, and 30 percent of the drug sellers
Without a source, I'll take your word for that. So where do those illegal gun owners get their weapons?


so showing that theft from responsible gun owners........equals.....bad......your point is?

in reality, you have proven my proven my point, especially given your low states on thefts. what you have also proven is, those who want to use guns illegally, don't care about the law. thus, what law do you propose that would curb the illegal gun purchases and use?
Show me where I said no private citizens should own guns.

I'm saying guns need to be regulated far more than they are now. I'm saying gun shows need to be shut down. I'm saying our politicians need to quit taking money from the NRA.

i'm not an NRA member, but why do you have a problem with a 4 million member strong private citizen lobbying group?
Rights are non-negotiable, retard.
You have no right to unregulated firearms, none. Guns are designed to kill. Military style weapons with oversized clips should be regulated out of the hands of the regular citizen. Our police are outgunned and not happy with this state of affairs. This is just insane and needs to be regulated. We don't allow drivers who don't submit to regular testing to keep the roads safe, we regularly prosecute those who don't comply. This crazy notion that we need to have a wild west gun toting public is irrational and has nothing to do with the 2nd amendment.
You have no right to unregulated firearms, none.
yes we do. shall not be infringed.

Guns are designed to kill. Military style weapons with oversized clips should be regulated out of the hands of the regular citizen.
we regular citizens are the power in this country and should be better armed than police or military.

Our police are outgunned and not happy with this state of affairs.
GOOD!!!!! police are the largest criminal street gang in america and the most dangerous.

This is just insane and needs to be regulated. We don't allow drivers who don't submit to regular testing to keep the roads safe, we regularly prosecute those who don't comply. This crazy notion that we need to have a wild west gun toting public is irrational and has nothing to do with the 2nd amendment.

yes, you are totally irrational. you should shut up now.
yes we do. shall not be infringed.

The second amendment is about a well regulated militia. That's far from the free for all we have in this country.

we regular citizens are the power in this country and should be better armed than police or military.

Your talking out of your militia ass with that. It is insane.

GOOD!!!!! police are the largest criminal street gang in america and the most dangerous.

You might sound more believable if you had rational responses to important sound like you're spoiling for a fight.
The second amendment is about a well regulated militia. That's far from the free for all we have in this country.
I'm well regulated, are you?

Your talking out of your militia ass with that. It is insane.
and yet, it's what the founders intended.

You might sound more believable if you had rational responses to important sound like you're spoiling for a fight.
some yes. some take home their issued weapons.

oh blah blah blah. explain how the 3 year old shot his cop father in the back.

admit it, your bias is skewing your objectivity much like it does darla.

Intelligence and you seldom cross paths Dumberthananyone.
it's becoming even more clear that when liberals lose an argument, they resort to remarks about their opponents intelligence.

Well, I am not a Liberal (no no, dont get excited, you won't understand.) and I have not criticised your intelligence just as I have not criticised your ownership of an alien from Alpha centauri.
One little pointlet Dumberthanfuck, people who oppose people like you can NEVER be wrong. You are unlikely to even be useful as body replacement parts.
Do they own their guns? You idiots know exactly what I'm talking about. Joe and Sue Six Pack who claim to be responsible gun owners clutching their NRA registration in their cold hands yet have the gun laying around the house. There's stories every day of their children killing each other.

I guarantee each and every one of these idiots claimed to be responsible.

I see you were spouting this rididculous idea before I saw it on the other thread.

There are over 60 million gun owners in the US. You claim to know whether every single one of them is responsible?

I guarantee That I am a responsible gun owner. I guarantee I can take you to the homes of at least 25 more that I know personally are responsible gun owners. Your agenda based rhetoric is pitiful. You want to make this tragedy about removal of gun rights, give it a try. But at least stick to actual facts and not this drivel that doesn't even pass for trolling.
Show me where I said no private citizens should own guns.

I'm saying guns need to be regulated far more than they are now. I'm saying gun shows need to be shut down. I'm saying our politicians need to quit taking money from the NRA.

You also said that there are no responsible gun owners. I defy you to explain how I am irresponsible, in any way, with my guns.
Well, I am not a Liberal (no no, dont get excited, you won't understand.) and I have not criticised your intelligence just as I have not criticised your ownership of an alien from Alpha centauri.
One little pointlet Dumberthanfuck, people who oppose people like you can NEVER be wrong. You are unlikely to even be useful as body replacement parts.
the funny thing about people like you, is should you ever find yourself in a victim situation, you'll be begging and praying for someone like me who's not afraid to use violence in defense of yourself. that's what makes idiot 'liberals' like you look like such fools. you're all big talk about peace and passivity, but will plead for help from anyone willing to use violence on your behalf to keep you safe. hypocrisy, thou are a heartless bitch.