Greece: Woman goes to refugee solidarity event, gets gang-raped by Muslim migrants

Get lost sicko. Jihadwatch? That nonsense is so dirty, wiping your ass with it could be considered classing it up.
Jihad Watch scours the news to find all crimes committed by Muslims.. That's their job.

That has to be one of the easiest jobs around.

If Muslims didn't commit so many crimes, they wouldn't have anything to do.
Ummm, yeah, JIHAD WATCH should've been your first clue. I mean, does High Times give tomato growing tips?

Feel free to post any non Islamic gang rapes.

It's a common strategy among racists to highlight any and all crimes committed by a member of an ethnic minority in order to disparage them. If they really cared about rape, they would report all gang rapes equally. But they concentrate on one ethnic minority because smearing them to stir up ethnic tensions and get their desired race war is all they care about.
That has to be one of the easiest jobs around.

If Muslims didn't commit so many crimes, they wouldn't have anything to do.

CFM, we have to be sensitive to cultural differences. Muslim men have no respect for women. These young men probably haven't had sex for a year or more. This was a solidarity event for muslim refugees and the Greek woman was only displaying her solidarity with them.