Greece: Woman goes to refugee solidarity event, gets gang-raped by Muslim migrants

Yes well that's a pretty dismissive and biased way of disregarding ugly facts. Look it up yourself. There have been more terrorist attacks in this nation by right wing extremist than by Islamic radicals in the last 40 years.

Prove it. Talk is cheap. Most domestic acts of terror are committed by liberals or the insane. It's a fact Conservatives are more law abiding than Democrats.
Prove it. Talk is cheap. Most domestic acts of terror are committed by liberals or the insane. It's a fact Conservatives are more law abiding than Democrats.
Yeah I figured you’d be to lazy to research it your self since the facts are at odds with your bigotry.

Here’s just a few references. Point being you punk thugs are a greater threat of terrorism than even Islamic Radicals.
This ugly lies guy is probably a troll. Unless of course he just has a dial up brain capacity, that thinks calling black people that word, isn't slander of racists. He's a worthless pest in discussion either way. He already has a compiled list of targets starting. 1. Catholics. 2. Muslims. 3. Blacks. 4. Liberals. Feel free to add ones I missed. Legion Troll is MIA, so who knows if he might be trying stuff out. We've had several newbies that act in these ways since he's been MIA. Doesn't he like to try troll accounts out? Feel free to use this when he starts trying too hard.

It's a common strategy among racists to highlight any and all crimes committed by a member of an ethnic minority in order to disparage them. If they really cared about rape, they would report all gang rapes equally. But they concentrate on one ethnic minority because smearing them to stir up ethnic tensions and get their desired race war is all they care about.

It's impossible to be racist against Islam.