Greedy Corporation Tricks: The Immorality In Taking Advantage Profiting Off Stupidity

Hello Celticguy,

Noone expected it to work. And it hasn't.
This is why government had no business attempting it.
There is no constitutional justification for it to begin with and by stripping the requirement it ceases to be a tax (equal protection) as we shall soon see as that case comes to a close.

This view totally does not address the need for a better health care system. It's all about I Got Mine The Heck With You.

Where is the caring for fellow man?

Where is the outrage over being lied to by Trump?

"“We’re going to have insurance for everybody,” Trump said in press conference Jan. 11. “We’re going to have a healthcare that is far less expensive and far better.”

Or, as he said in a September 2015 “60 Minutes” interview, “I am going to take care of everybody. Everybody’s going to be taken care of much better than they’re taken care of now.”"

The Hill
We treat health care as a profit-making tool.

The idea of Marxism being a better idea is foolhardy and illustrative of uneducated fools who have no memory of history.

Really, the point of it should be having a goal to have as much of the nation be as healthy as possible.

How does having healthcare make one healthy? Does it stop people from smoking? Eating fatty foods? Not getting enough exercise? DUH!
This view totally does not address the need for a better health care system. It's all about I Got Mine The Heck With You.

How did we not have the best healthcare system in the world?

Where is the caring for fellow man?

What is stopping leftists from caring? You need the Government to do it for you? How pathetic.

Where is the outrage over being lied to by Trump?

Where is YOUR outrage over being lied to by Obama?

"“We’re going to have insurance for everybody,” Trump said in press conference Jan. 11. “We’re going to have a healthcare that is far less expensive and far better.”

You can keep your plan Obama said. That was a lie. You can keep your doctor Obama said. That was a lie. It will lower your costs Obama said. That was a lie.

I guess YOU forgot who controls the House now. Write your Congress Critter and demand they work WITH Trump and not against doing anything at all.
Hello Celticguy,

This view totally does not address the need for a better health care system. It's all about I Got Mine The Heck With You.

Where is the caring for fellow man?

Where is the outrage over being lied to by Trump?

"“We’re going to have insurance for everybody,” Trump said in press conference Jan. 11. “We’re going to have a healthcare that is far less expensive and far better.”

Or, as he said in a September 2015 “60 Minutes” interview, “I am going to take care of everybody. Everybody’s going to be taken care of much better than they’re taken care of now.”"

The Hill

Need ? No. Desire ? Thats fair.
This requires legislation and, as we all have seen, Congress has been busy not making legislation. They care more about spiteing Trump than solving problems. Moreover, it makes Obama look bad. Cant have that.
The best scenario for progress on this is to have obamacare fall forcing Congress to act only to have them continue to not and costing them the House.
Then we can do something about pharma prices which obama sold us all down the river on with his sweetheart deal for big pharma. Can go back to offering a wide variety of coverages to suit the needs of a diverse public and find an alternative to using pre-existing as leverage to keep themselves covered.
Need ? No. Desire ? Thats fair.
This requires legislation and, as we all have seen, Congress has been busy not making legislation. They care more about spiteing Trump than solving problems. Moreover, it makes Obama look bad. Cant have that.
The best scenario for progress on this is to have obamacare fall forcing Congress to act only to have them continue to not and costing them the House.
Then we can do something about pharma prices which obama sold us all down the river on with his sweetheart deal for big pharma.

Yeah, what about that sweetheart deal with big pharma and big insurance Obama had to make? Wasn't that a stinker? The reason he had to do that was because without Republicans willing to stand up to those very powerful industries, it would not be possible to get health care reform at all.

If Republicans had come forward for the American people, they would have stood up to big pharma and big insurance. But Republicans did not have the people's concerns at heart. They were the recipients of very generous funding by big pig pharma and big insurance for their campaigns. They had their OWN concerns at heart when they just sat back and watched as the worst deal in health care history was made. A total give-away to big pharma with a free-for-all of pricing; and a deeply lopsided gift deal to the insurance industry.
Yeah, what about that sweetheart deal with big pharma and big insurance Obama had to make? Wasn't that a stinker? The reason he had to do that was because without Republicans willing to stand up to those very powerful industries, it would not be possible to get health care reform at all.

If Republicans had come forward for the American people, they would have stood up to big pharma and big insurance. But Republicans did not have the people's concerns at heart. They were the recipients of very generous funding by big pig pharma and big insurance for their campaigns. They had their OWN concerns at heart when they just sat back and watched as the worst deal in health care history was made. A total give-away to big pharma with a free-for-all of pricing; and a deeply lopsided gift deal to the insurance industry.

Americans did not want this but dems used tricks to pass it anyway. And America is liking it less each year as its flaws render it anything but affordable.
Best let it die in the courts and find a better way.
Better still get Uncle Sam out of the picture altogether.
Hello Celticguy,

This view totally does not address the need for a better health care system. It's all about I Got Mine The Heck With You.

Where is the caring for fellow man?

Where is the outrage over being lied to by Trump?

"“We’re going to have insurance for everybody,” Trump said in press conference Jan. 11. “We’re going to have a healthcare that is far less expensive and far better.”

Or, as he said in a September 2015 “60 Minutes” interview, “I am going to take care of everybody. Everybody’s going to be taken care of much better than they’re taken care of now.”"

The Hill

Damn right. I earned mine. Now, either earn yours or do without.

If you bleeding hearts cared as much as you claimed, no one would go without coverage.
Hello Celticguy,

Americans did not want this but dems used tricks to pass it anyway. And America is liking it less each year as its flaws render it anything but affordable.
Best let it die in the courts and find a better way.
Better still get Uncle Sam out of the picture altogether.

Don't pretend to speak for America, when leaving out liberals. Some Americans wanted it, some did not.

Tell us the better way before you kill what we have. Where is that better Republican idea?

It can't be all about you and what you want.

That's not going to work any better than Obamacare.
Hello Celticguy,

Don't pretend to speak for America, when leaving out liberals. Some Americans wanted it, some did not.

Tell us the better way before you kill what we have. Where is that better Republican idea?

It can't be all about you and what you want.

That's not going to work any better than Obamacare.

Polling showed America did not want it.
The beginning of anything else requires the end of what is.
Various models were published but Congress was refusing to consider anything.
What we had before was vastly better than no choice obamacare.
Hello Celticguy,

This view totally does not address the need for a better health care system. It's all about I Got Mine The Heck With You.

Where is the caring for fellow man?

Where is the outrage over being lied to by Trump?

"“We’re going to have insurance for everybody,” Trump said in press conference Jan. 11. “We’re going to have a healthcare that is far less expensive and far better.”

Or, as he said in a September 2015 “60 Minutes” interview, “I am going to take care of everybody. Everybody’s going to be taken care of much better than they’re taken care of now.”"

The Hill

The rightys think they have it. It pays for most procedures until you get really sick. Then you find you have all the health care you can battle and fight the insurance companies for. I know no one who has had a serious illness who did not have to fight insurance companies to get the healthcare they paid for. It is war that you fight when you are at your weakest. You end up paying for procedures the doc wants out of your own pocket.
Insurance companies make more profits by denying care. For profit, healthcare is a bad idea in principle and worse in execution. They pay staff doctors a lot of money to find a way to get out of paying for care. They use rescission to deny care.
Insurance companies are gatekeepers. They stand between you and real healthcare. They add cost and complexity to the system and add nothing but cost and trouble.
Hello Celticguy,

Various models were published

Right. Republicans had all kinds of ideas, but they failed to coalesce around any one of them. Add to that the fact the Republicans had their chance. They held the House, the Senate and the Executive and could have passed anything they wanted. All they had to do was agree. But there was no concensus. None of the ideas were any more popular than Obamacare. Heck, Republicans couldn't even agree to repeal Obamacare, even though Trump campaigned heavily on it and failed to deliver.

That's because there IS no better way than Obamacare to do it by using the profit model. Any idea that improves healthcare profits makes healthcare even more expensive than it already is.
Hello Gonzomin,

The rightys think they have it. It pays for most procedures until you get really sick. Then you find you have all the health care you can battle and fight the insurance companies for. I know no one who has had a serious illness who did not have to fight insurance companies to get the healthcare they paid for. It is war that you fight when you are at your weakest. You end up paying for procedures the doc wants out of your own pocket.
Insurance companies make more profits by denying care. For profit, healthcare is a bad idea in principle and worse in execution. They pay staff doctors a lot of money to find a way to get out of paying for care. They use rescission to deny care.
Insurance companies are gatekeepers. They stand between you and real healthcare. They add cost and complexity to the system and add nothing but cost and trouble.

Totally agreed. They provide no service, no product. All they do is stick their greedy hands into an already expensive deal and demand a 20% cut. The problem is they are so powerful with the money they have already fleeced out of Americans that they have bought off most of Congress. It's legalized corruption. The bought-off won't go against their benefactors. That's why insurers were able to write themselves such a disproportionately large cut of 'the healthcare action' right into the Obamacare law. Insurance companies should be replaced with a single not-for-profit payer focused on providing the needed care to the people and having the goal of performing those transactions for as low an administrative cost possible, so that all of the healthcare dollars which currently go to big insurance profits would be returned as savings to the people who pay for it.

We've got to change our thinking from thinking of healthcare as an exclusive business and begin to treat health care as a right.
Hello Celticguy,

Right. Republicans had all kinds of ideas, but they failed to coalesce around any one of them. Add to that the fact the Republicans had their chance. They held the House, the Senate and the Executive and could have passed anything they wanted. All they had to do was agree. But there was no concensus. None of the ideas were any more popular than Obamacare. Heck, Republicans couldn't even agree to repeal Obamacare, even though Trump campaigned heavily on it and failed to deliver.

That's because there IS no better way than Obamacare to do it by using the profit model. Any idea that improves healthcare profits makes healthcare even more expensive than it already is.

When only one side comes to the table do you expect anything different ?
Hello Celticguy,

When only one side comes to the table do you expect anything different ?

That is exactly what happened when Obama was trying to get health care reform. Republicans refused to negotiate. They would not compromise. They had one goal, their way, and they would not bargain in good faith. Nobody get get their way. There has to be compromise. When one side refuses to come to the table nothing workable can be produced.
Hello Celticguy,

That is exactly what happened when Obama was trying to get health care reform. Republicans refused to negotiate. They would not compromise. They had one goal, their way, and they would not bargain in good faith. Nobody get get their way. There has to be compromise. When one side refuses to come to the table nothing workable can be produced.

"You lost". BHO's response when those invited attempted to work across the aisle.
In shory, you are mistaken.