Greedy Corporation Tricks: The Immorality In Taking Advantage Profiting Off Stupidity

The righties are paranoid about single payer, when all it is is health insurance where the premiums are paid through taxes, and probably at a lower total cost than commercial insurance.

We're not paranoid about it you dumb twat; we know it is an abomination and only idiots would want the Government to control their healthcare choices.
American consumers:

Are you HAPPY paying too much for phone and internet?

Why don't we all get together and tell these corporations to take a freaking HIKE!

We are the consumers.

We've got the power.

All we have to do is USE IT.

We could FIRE THEM and make our government provide these modern essentials.

Whatever we would have to pay to do that would be far less than we are paying the wealth extractors.

All we have to do is get organized and unite on this.


Oh, what am I thinking.

We have been divided and conquered.

They've got us by the propaganda.

Guess we'll have to keep paying way too much.

American consumers:

Are you HAPPY paying too much for phone and internet?

Why don't we all get together and tell these corporations to take a freaking HIKE!

We are the consumers.

We've got the power.

All we have to do is USE IT.

We could FIRE THEM and make our government provide these modern essentials.

Whatever we would have to pay to do that would be far less than we are paying the wealth extractors.

All we have to do is get organized and unite on this.


Oh, what am I thinking.

We have been divided and conquered.

They've got us by the propaganda.

Guess we'll have to keep paying way too much.


You're expecting people that think they're owed something for nothing to do something? If they were capable of doing something, they wouldn't be the type they are and demand it be given to them.
Our problem is we do not have competition in the US, especially in major products. You have a small selection for cable in most areas. In some cities you have several, but they are all the same. The same speeds on the internet at the same prices. The same cable bundles at the same prices. They all have the same shitty service. They do that because they divide the country up, not compete. Their advertising is a pretend competition, but they are even the same.
Gas stations were very competitive when i was a kid. they had price wars, with stations changing prices several time a day to lure customers. They gave you stamps or silverware for using their stations. They pumped your gas and checked your oil levels and tire pressure. Gas was about 20 cents a gallon.
Stores actually competed . The mantra was "the customer is always right" Can you imagine that now?
Hello Gonzomin,

Our problem is we do not have competition in the US, especially in major products. You have a small selection for cable in most areas. In some cities you have several, but they are all the same. The same speeds on the internet at the same prices. The same cable bundles at the same prices. They all have the same shitty service. They do that because they divide the country up, not compete. Their advertising is a pretend competition, but they are even the same.
Gas stations were very competitive when i was a kid. they had price wars, with stations changing prices several time a day to lure customers. They gave you stamps or silverware for using their stations. They pumped your gas and checked your oil levels and tire pressure. Gas was about 20 cents a gallon.
Stores actually competed . The mantra was "the customer is always right" Can you imagine that now?

We must LIKE getting ripped off and lining the pockets of the super-rich who provide these services:

USA internet speed: 18.7 Mbps

South Korea Internet Speed: 28.6 Mbps

USA Internet Price: $62.69

South Korea internet price: $22.52

Internet Speed By Country

Internet Price By Country
American consumers:

Are you HAPPY paying too much for phone and internet?

Why don't we all get together and tell these corporations to take a freaking HIKE!

We are the consumers.

We've got the power.

All we have to do is USE IT.

We could FIRE THEM and make our government provide these modern essentials.

Whatever we would have to pay to do that would be far less than we are paying the wealth extractors.

All we have to do is get organized and unite on this.


Oh, what am I thinking.

We have been divided and conquered.

They've got us by the propaganda.

Guess we'll have to keep paying way too much.


Who is forcing you to buy anything?
Our problem is we do not have competition in the US, especially in major products. You have a small selection for cable in most areas. In some cities you have several, but they are all the same. The same speeds on the internet at the same prices. The same cable bundles at the same prices. They all have the same shitty service. They do that because they divide the country up, not compete. Their advertising is a pretend competition, but they are even the same.

Cable is very capital intensive and requires vast underground networks. Can you imagine what your neighborhood would look like if there were ten companies offering you cable?

So who is forcing you to buy cable?

Gas stations were very competitive when i was a kid. they had price wars, with stations changing prices several time a day to lure customers. They gave you stamps or silverware for using their stations. They pumped your gas and checked your oil levels and tire pressure. Gas was about 20 cents a gallon.
Stores actually competed . The mantra was "the customer is always right" Can you imagine that now?

That's a pile of baloney. Gas Stations, for the most part, operate on very slim margins and have little to give away. If you were as intelligent as you think you are, you would do some fucking research before you bloviate ignorantly.
We treat health care as a profit-making tool.

Really, the point of it should be having a goal to have as much of the nation be as healthy as possible.

We treat health care as a profit-making tool.

Really, the point of it should be having a goal to have as much of the nation be as healthy as possible.


That requires forcing people to do what they clearly dont want to do.
And just how do you do that since you cannot put a gun to all those heads ?
Hello Celticguy,

That requires forcing people to do what they clearly dont want to do.
And just how do you do that since you cannot put a gun to all those heads ?

Most Republicans don't want to pay any taxes.

But they do and nobody has to put a gun to their heads.
Hello Celticguy,

Most Republicans don't want to pay any taxes.

But they do and nobody has to put a gun to their heads.

Taxes are constitutional. Conservatives dont like paying taxes to be used for unconstitutional purposes.
Forcing against a behavior that is not illegal is not.
Remember SCOTUS allowed Obamacare to mandate buying insurance ONLY by calling it a tax.
Hello Celticguy,

Taxes are constitutional. Conservatives dont like paying taxes to be used for unconstitutional purposes.
Forcing against a behavior that is not illegal is not.
Remember SCOTUS allowed Obamacare to mandate buying insurance ONLY by calling it a tax.

But seriously, how did anyone expect the PPACA to work if everyone did not participate?

That's how insurance works. The cost is spread among many so that a possible large expense for an individual can be covered.

Republicans have no good health care plan. All they wanted to do was kill the Democratic one because it was a success that was helping a lot of people and gaining acceptance.

If Republicans had a good health care plan they could have already put it into place. Where is it? Why are they not angry that Trump could not deliver on his promise of a great health care plan?

They had the power and opportunity. They were supposed to vote Obamacare OUT and they couldn't even do THAT. Republicans have failed at health care. They have nothing.

The Republican health care plan is I Got Mine The Heck With You.

Over-priced health care for those who can afford it and nothing for the rest.

Make the super-rich richer. That's their plan.

Republicans are in the tank for the super-rich it is plain to see.

Health care is obviously not something that works well when the greedy are the ones who set the prices and there is no competition.

That can't work for all the people.

You know, it's tougher to get by now than it used to be.

There are almost no good jobs for people without a college degree like there used to be when America was great. Capitalism has eliminated all possible labor costs, meaning that jobs don't pay as much as they once did, don't offer as much buying power. Jobs have been redefined, automated, offshored, broken up.

Even nurses who make reasonable wages have had their mundane duties taken away so that fewer well paid nurses are needed. All those tasks are now performed by lower-paid and part-time workers.

It's tougher to get by these days and people can't afford Billionaire-care.

We need a National Health Service.

We could have it so much better.

People need to wake up and have some compassion. What we have is not working for all the people. Republicans need to quit fooling themselves. Their plan is fleece everybody and give it all to the super-rich. Dish up a lotta propaganda to get people to vote against their own better interest.
Hello Celticguy,

But seriously, how did anyone expect the PPACA to work if everyone did not participate?

That's how insurance works. The cost is spread among many so that a possible large expense for an individual can be covered.

Republicans have no good health care plan. All they wanted to do was kill the Democratic one because it was a success that was helping a lot of people and gaining acceptance.

If Republicans had a good health care plan they could have already put it into place. Where is it? Why are they not angry that Trump could not deliver on his promise of a great health care plan?

They had the power and opportunity. They were supposed to vote Obamacare OUT and they couldn't even do THAT. Republicans have failed at health care. They have nothing.

The Republican health care plan is I Got Mine The Heck With You.

Over-priced health care for those who can afford it and nothing for the rest.

Make the super-rich richer. That's their plan.

Republicans are in the tank for the super-rich it is plain to see.

Health care is obviously not something that works well when the greedy are the ones who set the prices and there is no competition.

That can't work for all the people.

You know, it's tougher to get by now than it used to be.

There are almost no good jobs for people without a college degree like there used to be when America was great. Capitalism has eliminated all possible labor costs, meaning that jobs don't pay as much as they once did, don't offer as much buying power. Jobs have been redefined, automated, offshored, broken up.

Even nurses who make reasonable wages have had their mundane duties taken away so that fewer well paid nurses are needed. All those tasks are now performed by lower-paid and part-time workers.

It's tougher to get by these days and people can't afford Billionaire-care.

We need a National Health Service.

We could have it so much better.

People need to wake up and have some compassion. What we have is not working for all the people. Republicans need to quit fooling themselves. Their plan is fleece everybody and give it all to the super-rich. Dish up a lotta propaganda to get people to vote against their own better interest.

Noone expected it to work. And it hasn't.
This is why government had no business attempting it.
There is no constitutional justification for it to begin with and by stripping the requirement it ceases to be a tax (equal protection) as we shall soon see as that case comes to a close.