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Many people are alienated in our local communities, in New York, and in the United States. Alienation restricts people from fully participating in the political, economic, and social decisions that affect their lives. The inability to engage as co-owners of our society has exacerbated social and economic inequality and abated innovative ideas to solve New York’s problems. Voters need an independent alternative that can provide a more transparent, accountable, and participatory society for all.
The Green Party Of New York is working to regain ballot status in 2022 to be that independent alternative. We will be running candidates for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, and Comptroller as well as candidates for the state legislature and congress. Our candidates will run on issues such as 100% renewable energy, sustainable infrastructure, worker cooperatives, basic income, a public employment program, a stock transfer tax, a carbon tax, ranked choice voting, a state bank, universal healthcare, and peace.
The Green Party Of New York needs to build this vital movement through the coordination of candidates, volunteers, and voters. If you believe in the ideas promoted by the Green Party and our work toward a more direct democratic society, please consider joining us. If you are an organizer or activist in social justice movements and know someone who would be a great candidate for the Green Party, contact us today to talk more about it. If you are not ready to run, our candidates need your skills, time, and support. We look forward to working with you. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
The Green Party Of New York is working to regain ballot status in 2022 to be that independent alternative. We will be running candidates for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, and Comptroller as well as candidates for the state legislature and congress. Our candidates will run on issues such as 100% renewable energy, sustainable infrastructure, worker cooperatives, basic income, a public employment program, a stock transfer tax, a carbon tax, ranked choice voting, a state bank, universal healthcare, and peace.
The Green Party Of New York needs to build this vital movement through the coordination of candidates, volunteers, and voters. If you believe in the ideas promoted by the Green Party and our work toward a more direct democratic society, please consider joining us. If you are an organizer or activist in social justice movements and know someone who would be a great candidate for the Green Party, contact us today to talk more about it. If you are not ready to run, our candidates need your skills, time, and support. We look forward to working with you. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.