Green Party Of New York Calling For Volunteers And Candidates In 2022 Election Season

I apologize for the delay in answering. In New York state we do have fusion, and the Green Party has seen firsthand how parties like the Working Families Party will always have Democrats on their ballot line and nothing changes. We have found that putting outside pressure through an independent alternative has had better results, especially the ban on fracking after the 2014 gubernatorial race. Our recent loss of our ballot line was due mostly to the recent changes Cuomo pushed through that required that the presidential candidate as well as the candidate for Governor had to get 150,000 votes rather than 50,000 just for Governor. We now have to use an independent balloting petition and collect 3 times more signatures than we did when we previously did not have ballot status before 2010. In other words, we are not going to be just a puppet ally to the corporate controlled Democrats but we do realize that we need to expand our support beyond our usual circle of registered Greens and do outreach to those who share our values and ideas. I'm not going to apologize for that, but that does not mean I am going to ignore sincere questions or opinions because I think the conversation needs to keep going.
Many people are alienated in our local communities, in New York, and in the United States. Alienation restricts people from fully participating in the political, economic, and social decisions that affect their lives. The inability to engage as co-owners of our society has exacerbated social and economic inequality and abated innovative ideas to solve New York’s problems. Voters need an independent alternative that can provide a more transparent, accountable, and participatory society for all.

The Green Party Of New York is working to regain ballot status in 2022 to be that independent alternative. We will be running candidates for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, and Comptroller as well as candidates for the state legislature and congress. Our candidates will run on issues such as 100% renewable energy, sustainable infrastructure, worker cooperatives, basic income, a public employment program, a stock transfer tax, a carbon tax, ranked choice voting, a state bank, universal healthcare, and peace.

The Green Party Of New York needs to build this vital movement through the coordination of candidates, volunteers, and voters. If you believe in the ideas promoted by the Green Party and our work toward a more direct democratic society, please consider joining us. If you are an organizer or activist in social justice movements and know someone who would be a great candidate for the Green Party, contact us today to talk more about it. If you are not ready to run, our candidates need your skills, time, and support. We look forward to working with you. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

Yes! Split the Democrat vote!
Treehuggers unite! :laugh:

Most software is written in the States, dumbass. There is more to an economy than computers, dumbass.

Special pleading fallacy.

Most OS software has backdoors built in a mile wide so Google, Apple, and Microsoft know everything you do, including sneak farting.
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Most OS software has backdoors built in a mile wide so Google, Apple, and Microsoft know everything you do, including sneak farting.

Not through backdoors!

Through marketing analysis.

I don't use Microsoft products. I don't use Apple products.
I do use Google (android phone). Yes, it is irritating that it is listening all the time. I have turned off all the ad servers.
I do use the Alexa service (and even program skills for it). It does not listen to anything until you activate it. I have also turned of all of it's ad servers.
go suck corporate cock some more, sperg who denies what fascism is.

Won't define 'u.b.i', eh? I guess it's just another buzzword you came up with then.

I am a corporation. I will gladly run my corporation to try to produce a profit, and to provide my product and services to others for the price they are willing to pay. That's the nature of any business, dude, regardless of what form of organization the business uses.

Since you hate all corporations (for whatever reason), you just place yourself in the whiner category. You whine without reason.

I do not condone fascism, communism, or any other form of socialism. I am a capitalist.
Won't define 'u.b.i', eh? I guess it's just another buzzword you came up with then.

I am a corporation. I will gladly run my corporation to try to produce a profit, and to provide my product and services to others for the price they are willing to pay. That's the nature of any business, dude, regardless of what form of organization the business uses.

Since you hate all corporations (for whatever reason), you just place yourself in the whiner category. You whine without reason.

I do not condone fascism, communism, or any other form of socialism. I am a capitalist.

look it up.

and you basically are a fascist, with your neocon pedestalization of corporations. it's disgusting.
Hello DarinRobbins,

I apologize for the delay in answering. In New York state we do have fusion, and the Green Party has seen firsthand how parties like the Working Families Party will always have Democrats on their ballot line and nothing changes. We have found that putting outside pressure through an independent alternative has had better results, especially the ban on fracking after the 2014 gubernatorial race. Our recent loss of our ballot line was due mostly to the recent changes Cuomo pushed through that required that the presidential candidate as well as the candidate for Governor had to get 150,000 votes rather than 50,000 just for Governor. We now have to use an independent balloting petition and collect 3 times more signatures than we did when we previously did not have ballot status before 2010. In other words, we are not going to be just a puppet ally to the corporate controlled Democrats but we do realize that we need to expand our support beyond our usual circle of registered Greens and do outreach to those who share our values and ideas. I'm not going to apologize for that, but that does not mean I am going to ignore sincere questions or opinions because I think the conversation needs to keep going.

Saying the right things is meaningless in today's politics. The bothersome boring truth is no match for all the emotional sensational talk pundits for profit. That's the sad truth. What is needed is as many progressives voting together as possible. If that's for the Democrats, then that is what it needs to be. It's certainly not for the Greens. They don't stand a chance. Sorry, but that's a vote thrown away. That's for dreamers. That's not how politics works.

Votes on the left need to be gathered together, not scattered apart and powerless.

Even if Greens got on one or two state ballots, they stand no chance of getting on most if not all. Stand no chance of achieving much national political power. I do not agree with corporate politics, myself. Our government should work for we the people. But I am pragmatic about the bigger picture. When liberals and progressives split, then conservatives and corporations win. It's this basic inescapable blocking force keep us out of power. The Green Party is fabulous in concept. Yes, absolutely. We need to learn how to live with the existing world, not destroy it. Improve it. Yes.

And the only way to do that is to get political power.

Leftist extremism is never going to ever get enough support by itself to gain power. When going up against international corporations, that is taking on a formidable adversary. That is best worked from the inside. The Progressive Caucus is getting pretty impressive and has a hand on the party steering wheel. It can never expect to be the only caucus guiding the party, but the hand on the wheel is getting bigger and stronger. Change happens slowly but it would happen a lot faster if we joined forces. You join us and the hand on the wheel gets stronger still.

We need all the Greens working within the Democratic Party. You will find very agreeable ears among Progressive Democrats. What we need is more political power, a bigger voice, and even mutually respectful coalitions with anti-corruption, anti-corporate conservatives. If each faction can steer each party towards more corporate oversight, together we have our best chance to make our government work for we the people.

The corporations keep us divided and conquered. We can all bring corporations to heel if we just join up together on it.