Into the Night
Verified User is 'political corruption'. it is, again....
State capture is a type of systemic political corruption in which private interests significantly influence a state's decision-making processes to their own advantage.
There was no Soviet Union in 2000. Russia was, and still is, a republic. It has a constitution.The term was first used by the World Bank, around the year 2000, to describe the situation in certain central Asian countries making the transition from Soviet communism.
Not the definition of an oligarch.Specifically, it was applied to situations where small corrupt groups used their influence over government officials to appropriate government decision-making in order to strengthen their own economic positions; these groups' members would later become known as oligarchs.[1]
Wikipedia is not a valid source. You cannot use it as a reference with me. Too many articles are incomplete, biased, or just plain wrong.
You are again just using buzzwords. Apparently to you, voting (a private interest) influencing a government is considered evil by you.