Green Party Of New York Calling For Volunteers And Candidates In 2022 Election Season

here it is, again....

State capture is a type of systemic political corruption in which private interests significantly influence a state's decision-making processes to their own advantage. is 'political corruption'. Gotit.
The term was first used by the World Bank, around the year 2000, to describe the situation in certain central Asian countries making the transition from Soviet communism.
There was no Soviet Union in 2000. Russia was, and still is, a republic. It has a constitution.
Specifically, it was applied to situations where small corrupt groups used their influence over government officials to appropriate government decision-making in order to strengthen their own economic positions; these groups' members would later become known as oligarchs.[1]
Not the definition of an oligarch.
Wikipedia is not a valid source. You cannot use it as a reference with me. Too many articles are incomplete, biased, or just plain wrong.

You are again just using buzzwords. Apparently to you, voting (a private interest) influencing a government is considered evil by you.
The Japanese Government made French skis illegal in Japan, because they claimed European snow was different than Japanese snow.
They only allowed Japanese skis in Japan to help the one big Japanese ski maker.
The French response was to claim that French rain was different than Japanese rain, and so Japanese motorcycles would be illegal in France. The Japanese backed away from their claim, and the international trade of motorcycles and skis continue.

It is very possible for governments to help one business over others.

I never said they don't.
GM does not make skis. Pivot fallacy.
Hello DarinRobbins,

If you choose to work outside the Democratic Party then you are relegated to never gaining the power needed to effect the changes we both would like to see. You really just become an occasional distraction which sometimes gets noticed on a slow news day.

If you choose to work within the Democratic Party you can still push for everything we want, and you can then join in with others who feel the same way to grow the power of our combined voices.

All the political power in America lies within two parties. You can either face up to that fact or hand power to the conservatives by splitting liberals.

Combine and conquer or get divided and conquered.

I have already made many changes, and I didn't need a political party to do it.