Into the Night
Verified User
Nope. Free markets not only exist, they are immortal. You can't kill them. See your local drug dealer for details.right.
free markets are a delusion fascists tell dumb people.
Corporations are not fascism. Buzzword fallacy.basically you believe in corporatism and fascism.
Why is there only ONE monopolies commission?You don't believe in government busting of monopolies,

Governments prop up monopolies, they don't bust them.
Monopolies are self destructive. They don't need busting.
True Scotsman fallacy. I am a person just like you. So are each of my you don't really believe in all the loudly touted benefits for regular people,
They do exist. You cannot kill them.under "free markets" which you admit don't exist.
Insulting people is going to get you nowhere.You're just a fascist liar.
Insulting people is going to get you nowhere.if corporations were people they'd be the shittiest people you know.
I am a conservative. I detest Democrats and what they've done to this country.Im not a democrat. They're actually on the same page as you now.
Fascism is not an equation. Buzzword fallacy. Corporations are not fascism.corporations are half of the fascist equation
Corporations are not corruption. Buzzword fallacy.dickshitter, corruption works quite nicely for them.