Green Party Of New York Calling For Volunteers And Candidates In 2022 Election Season

free markets are a delusion fascists tell dumb people.
Nope. Free markets not only exist, they are immortal. You can't kill them. See your local drug dealer for details.
basically you believe in corporatism and fascism.
Corporations are not fascism. Buzzword fallacy.
You don't believe in government busting of monopolies,
Why is there only ONE monopolies commission? :D

Governments prop up monopolies, they don't bust them.

Monopolies are self destructive. They don't need busting.
so you don't really believe in all the loudly touted benefits for regular people,
True Scotsman fallacy. I am a person just like you. So are each of my employees.
under "free markets" which you admit don't exist.
They do exist. You cannot kill them.
You're just a fascist liar.
Insulting people is going to get you nowhere.
if corporations were people they'd be the shittiest people you know.
Insulting people is going to get you nowhere.
Im not a democrat. They're actually on the same page as you now.
I am a conservative. I detest Democrats and what they've done to this country.
corporations are half of the fascist equation
Fascism is not an equation. Buzzword fallacy. Corporations are not fascism.
dickshitter, corruption works quite nicely for them.
Corporations are not corruption. Buzzword fallacy.
Nope. Free markets not only exist, they are immortal. You can't kill them. See your local drug dealer for details.

Corporations are not fascism. Buzzword fallacy.

Why is there only ONE monopolies commission? :D

Governments prop up monopolies, they don't bust them.

Monopolies are self destructive. They don't need busting.

True Scotsman fallacy. I am a person just like you. So are each of my employees.

They do exist. You cannot kill them.

Insulting people is going to get you nowhere.

Insulting people is going to get you nowhere.

I am a conservative. I detest Democrats and what they've done to this country.

Fascism is not an equation. Buzzword fallacy. Corporations are not fascism.

Corporations are not corruption. Buzzword fallacy.

you're an idiot.
so you really are pro fascism and pro corruption and crony capitalism.
I am not a socialist. Buzzword fallacies.
corporations arent people.
Corporations are made up of people, both officers and investors are people. The employees they hire are people.
you're a committed fascist.
I am not a socialist.
your company isnt the only company. cherry picking fallacy.
YOU picked it. YOUR problem.
You haven't given one. All you gave was another meaningless rant.

here it is, again....

State capture is a type of systemic political corruption in which private interests significantly influence a state's decision-making processes to their own advantage.

The term was first used by the World Bank, around the year 2000, to describe the situation in certain central Asian countries making the transition from Soviet communism. Specifically, it was applied to situations where small corrupt groups used their influence over government officials to appropriate government decision-making in order to strengthen their own economic positions; these groups' members would later become known as oligarchs.[1]
So you are lobbying for this, are you?

Lobbying isn't bribery. Bribery is already outlawed (though rarely enforced).

No need. The Constitution already outlaws bribery. See Article I, $9. This, by the way, is where Biden also violated the Constitution.

Do do...what?

There are already term limits for several officers, including members of Congress, the President, and the Vice President.

Congress can't change the Constitution.

That was before election fraud became as big a problem as it is.

Some still do. Democrats, however, never cared about their constituents.

Not since the 27th amendment. Senators are now elected by popular vote in each State. They no longer represent the States. None of them represent my corporation.

None of them represent my corporation either.

Not since election fraud became a real problem. Look to the Democrats for that.

To do...what?

Take your meds. :palm:
GM cannot force any such thing.

The Japanese Government made French skis illegal in Japan, because they claimed European snow was different than Japanese snow. They only allowed Japanese skis in Japan to help the one big Japanese ski maker. The French response was to claim that French rain was different than Japanese rain, and so Japanese motorcycles would be illegal in France. The Japanese backed away from their claim, and the international trade of motorcycles and skis continue.

It is very possible for governments to help one business over others.
Hello DarinRobbins,

I think there is a misperception by many in the Democratic Party that the Greens are just disgruntled Democrats that need to eventually come back to the fold. My experience as a member of the Green Party since 2000, as a Green candidate for local office, and as a member of the State Committee and co-chair of the Campaign Committee here in New York is that we are much more different than we are alike. Going beyond the fact that Green candidates never accept corporate money, our platforms are very different. Some examples are cooperatives, basic income, ranked choice voting, state banks, popular assemblies, and anti-war. A few years ago, the Green Party became an official ecosocialist party. It is true we probably have more in common with the Democratic Socialists Of America and the Movement For A People's Party than the established Democratic Party. That is why we are doing this outreach that includes them. In other words, our experience on the ground has been that the Democratic Party will not move left one inch until they feel competition from the outside. Their party leaders are very adept at containing their more progressive rank and file members.

If you choose to work outside the Democratic Party then you are relegated to never gaining the power needed to effect the changes we both would like to see. You really just become an occasional distraction which sometimes gets noticed on a slow news day.

If you choose to work within the Democratic Party you can still push for everything we want, and you can then join in with others who feel the same way to grow the power of our combined voices.

All the political power in America lies within two parties. You can either face up to that fact or hand power to the conservatives by splitting liberals.

Combine and conquer or get divided and conquered.