Scut Farkus
YOur efforts to stop discussion by pretending you don't know what ubi is indicates you know you're on the wrong side of this.
Communism has NO place. Automation is not outsourcing. Automation creates large industries that employ a lot of people.
I've heard of it now, since you finally defined it. It is communism. It has NO place anywhere. It is socialism. It is theft of wealth.
So you are lobbying for this, are you?Outlaw lobbying
Lobbying isn't bribery. Bribery is already outlawed (though rarely enforced).and prosecute bribery, problem solved!![]()
No need. The Constitution already outlaws bribery. See Article I, $9. This, by the way, is where Biden also violated the Constitution.It will take a Convention of the states, though. We're halfway there.
Do do...what?It's being worked on...something will be done to that effect should it convene.
There are already term limits for several officers, including members of Congress, the President, and the Vice President.Term limits and outlaw lobbying AKA legal bribery.
Congress can't change the Constitution.Congress will never vote for those things. They only voted those things for themselves in the Carter/Reagan days.
That was before election fraud became as big a problem as it is.Before that, people had a better chance of representation in Congress.
Some still do. Democrats, however, never cared about their constituents.I recently found letters written to Senators and Reps by relatives, and the politicians actually responded positively and personally and everything.
Not since the 27th amendment. Senators are now elected by popular vote in each State. They no longer represent the States. None of them represent my corporation.Seriously, Senators are supposed to represent their state over corporations,
None of them represent my corporation either.and Reps are supposed to represent their constituents over corporations,
Not since election fraud became a real problem. Look to the Democrats for that.and it's not happening like that.
To do...what?Rick Scott got up in there and looked around and said: "This thing is broken". And he is exactly right with that.
States and state legislatures are motivated to make a convention happen.
So you are lobbying for this, are you?
Lobbying isn't bribery. Bribery is already outlawed (though rarely enforced).
No need. The Constitution already outlaws bribery. See Article I, $9. This, by the way, is where Biden also violated the Constitution.
Do do...what?
There are already term limits for several officers, including members of Congress, the President, and the Vice President.
Congress can't change the Constitution.
That was before election fraud became as big a problem as it is.
Some still do. Democrats, however, never cared about their constituents.
Not since the 27th amendment. Senators are now elected by popular vote in each State. They no longer represent the States. None of them represent my corporation.
None of them represent my corporation either.
Not since election fraud became a real problem. Look to the Democrats for that.
To do...what?
Try English. Random words get you nowhere.acting like our shit is all on the up and up isnt working anymore.
Blackrock does not own everything. Not even close to it. Neither does Vanguard. This particular bit of paranoia is apparently why you figure 'corporations are all evil'. This bit of paranoia is classic Democrat propaganda.we can't bleat about free markets and the positives and then have blackrock own everything and screw everyone over.
No. Blackrock is not fascism. Neither is Bill Gates. Neither is any corporation, not even DuPont, which illegally lobbied the government to commit fascism. Only governments can commit fascism. Fascism is government manipulation of markets. This is what DuPont lobbied for in the case of R-12->R134a refrigerant. It is a monopoly propped up by GOVERNMENT. It is the only way a monopoly can continue to exist.this is fascism.
institute protectionism or pay up.
central planning is still tyranny, even if it's privatized. you fucking libertarians.
sorry im a little hot right now, friends.
What is "state capture"?
Try English. Random words get you nowhere.
Blackrock does not own everything. Not even close to it. Neither does Vanguard. This particular bit of paranoia is apparently why you figure 'corporations are all evil'. This bit of paranoia is classic Democrat propaganda.
Most corporations are small, usually less than 200 employees. Incorporating is not evil in and of itself.
No. Blackrock is not fascism. Neither is Bill Gates. Neither is any corporation, not even DuPont, which illegally lobbied the government to commit fascism. Only governments can commit fascism. Fascism is government manipulation of markets. This is what DuPont lobbied for in the case of R-12->R134a refrigerant. It is a monopoly propped up by GOVERNMENT. It is the only way a monopoly can continue to exist.
I am not Blackrock. I am not Bill Gates. I am not DuPont. I am my own business, which is incorporated, that has a current staff of about 100 employees. Our product is instrumentation for process control for industrial, medical, entertainment, and aerospace industries. My products sell worldwide. People buy them because I save them costs by making their manufacturing of their own product more efficient, or because it helps them clean up the environment.
But you are moron enough to call me a 'fascist'. You don't even know what the term means.
Paranoia. I don't pay Vanguard or Blackrock anything.
Good question. Another one of his meaningless buzzwords.
and institute tariffs.
and while none of these reforms happen do we just pretend we dont have total corruption, tyranny and fascism?
your idiotic dissembly proves you KNOW you've lost the argument.
its when your politicians and government are basically completely controlled by corporate interests. fascism basically.
State capture is when a private entity gains control over government decision making. As an example: if GM forces the DOT to only allow GM cars to drive on highways. It is a form of corruption.
We do have fascism in the States. We always have. We also have communism, and we also have capitalism. That third form of socialism, slavery, also still exists in the States (illegal as it is).
Fascism, communism, and slavery are ALL forms of socialism. They are all theft of wealth. They can only be implemented by oligarchies or dictatorships. People don't want their wealth stolen.
Yes...that means a slave master is a dictator.
Yes...that means taking wealth from one and distributing it to another by government force is theft of wealth (and communism).
Yes...that means government telling corporations or any other business what they can sell, who they can sell it to, who they must hire, who they must fire, how much they can sell their product or service for, is all fascism.
There is tyranny in government. Thank the Democrats for that! It is Democrats that overthrew the United States, discarded the Constitution of the United States, and have implemented an oligarchy.
It is Democrats that destroyed the government of the former State of California and replaced it with an oligarchy (currently moving toward a dictatorship). I call it the SOTC now. It is no longer a State of the Union.
It is Democrats that destroyed the government of the former State of New York and replaced it with an oligarchy. I call it the SOTNY now. It is no longer a State of the Union.
It looks like Oregon may be next. The revolt against it is already started.
This is Democrats doing this. It is government. It is not corporations, which can really only survive by selling products or services that people want to buy.
A monopoly may remain a monopoly for a time, but it won't last. Sooner or later, it will fall to some little company that comes along to shoot their kneecaps off. Even if the monopoly is propped up by government.
It happened to IBM when the minicomputer, and then the microcomputer came along. Little is left of IBM now. They've been driven almost entirely out of the computing market.
It happened to Microsoft when Linux came along. Microsoft has already lost the OS market, the Office market, the web developer market, the industrial control market, the automotive market, and the cell phone market.
Most software development happens on Linux these open source kernel and various libraries and command packages. Some are written and maintained by corporations, such as Mozilla or Google.
If you don't like Google for one reason or another, don't buy their product. No one is forcing you to.
Nothing illegal about lobbying.lobbying,
Illegal.unlimited political donation,
Self destructive. No worries about them.cartels,
Self destructive. No worries about them.monopolies,
Buzzword fallacy. You still don't know that this word means.fascism,
Did you know that if any company puts out a shitty product, people will leave it for a company that puts out a better product?planned obsolescence.....
No, you strung together a bunch of meaningless buzzwords. You STILL have no idea how markets work, or how the free market is immortal. You can't kill it.i told you this once already.
I am not a socialist.address it, fascist.
So? Nothing illegal about that!corporations do lobby congress tho, dum dum.
Yet YOU made it all about me. Are you going to cancel your own argument now???this isnt all about you.
Means nothing to me. I consider this another of your meaningless buzzwords until you define it.I am a populist.