Greta Thunberg

An interesting observation this morning: I'm doing a research project on the effects of climate change on Alaska and Alaskan Natives in particular. Every time I type in "climate change" on Google, an ad for a newly-announced (D) presidential candidate pops up on the results page, with "ad" in a box next to it.

Yeah- I never use Google anymore. It was brilliant when it first started. You could enter a chip number and it would produce the chip. Now it produces Trump supporter data. It's all over for Google.
I use DDG, most times. Non-tracking browsers - like Epic- have their own search engines too.
Yeah- I never use Google anymore. It was brilliant when it first started. You could enter a chip number and it would produce the chip. Now it produces Trump supporter data. It's all over for Google.
I use DDG, most times. Non-tracking browsers - like Epic- have their own search engines too.

I like DDG as well. Plus my website is #2 when I look it up. In the whole world. lol
I'm amused at how so many of our Reichwing friends think that independent Ms. Thunberg is "being used by leftists," when in fact most of us never even heard of her till she came to America with her message.

Even more hilarious -- they don't see how their glorious orange shitgibbon is using Edward Gallagher to pretend to care about our military personnel. Talk about disgusting -- raising up a convicted war criminal, stepping over his own commanders to countermand their authority and orders in order to use this guy as some sort of prop. The Reichwing has no shame.

I am amused that people like you instantly assume that anyone that doesn't buy into your insanity must be right wing.
Complete waste of time, you're pompous, arrogant and ignorant, sayanora toodles.

Projecting again, toodles. the chronology of the posts exposes you for the intellectually dishonest/limited right wing clod that you are. So unless you've got something new and innovating to ad, I'd say you're done. Now run-a-long and join your brethren in trash talking a kid's personality rather than addressing the content of her speeches. :palm:
Oooooh lookie- the kids are at their keyboards again. Little dears, aren't they ?

Haw, haw............................haw.