Dutch Uncle
* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
We didn't parade him out to be a pro life spokesman he joined the March for life as a private citizen and was verbally accosted by anti-white racist black Hebrew Israelites and then smeared by the entirety of the MSM and DNC (but I repeat myself) from Biden on down.
Really? First, who the fuck is "We" and how did you become a member of that club?
Second, you're a fucking lying fuckwit: Nikkie was part of the Covington Boys protest group at the March for Life anti-abortion rally. The main reason to protest is to get noticed. They got their wish.
Fucking morons and Trumpian cocksuckers want to make it look like he was minding his own business when "the nasty black Jews and Indians" attacked them. That's a lie.
Was there fault on all sides? Yes. Was one side pristine and pure as the driven snow? No. NFW. All protestors seek to get noticed and they did. When they whine about it they prove they are pussified cucks and liars. Nikkie's life will never be the same because every knows, at heart, he's a lying fuckward hater just like you.