Greta Thunberg

This poor, disturbed child is being exploited and abused, politically, by the far left loons.

They should be ashamed.
Earl's technician has forgotten to wind him up.

Haw, haw........................................haw.
This poor, disturbed child is being exploited and abused, politically, by the far left loons.

They should be ashamed,
Greta Thunberg blasts portrayal of Joe Biden as ‘climate leader’
The teen activist has criticized the ‘strange’ portrayal of the US administration as leading on climate change

Speaking to the Washington Post, Greta Thunberg has condemned President Biden for overseeing fossil fuel infrastructure expansion across the US despite having set ambitious climate goals that would see it hit net zero by 2050.

Yes, he's a climate-tosser. Compared to El Trumpo though he's the Gardens of Eden head-gardener.


Tch, tch.

We could have had Bernie.
Like the Trumpers used Nikkie Sandmann? LOL

We didn't parade him out to be a pro life spokesman he joined the March for life as a private citizen and was verbally accosted by anti-white racist black Hebrew Israelites and then smeared by the entirety of the MSM and DNC (but I repeat myself) from Biden on down.
Fucking priceless, you're detested by just about everybody on JPP. Even Rana thinks you're a bastard.

I'm pleased to have assisted in your detachment from reality.
It couldn't have happened to a more deserving maggot.

Haw, haw.................................haw.