Our planet is in real trouble- due to our failure as stewards. The new education is teaching that and Greta Thunberg is , currently, at the helm of the activities of the coming generation.
Quite obviously, the establishment is desperate to smother the revolution- and it IS a revolution. The consensus among our foremost thinkers and planners is that our addiction to perpetual ' growth ' must be cured. It IS an illness, after all.
Of course, capitalism IS perpetual growth- and so the very foundations of the societies we have built have to be rebuilt . The task is fucking ENORMOUS- and the chicken-hearted are dead-set upon avoiding it. Their contempt for the environment - their laziness and their apathy - are fostered by the capitalist establishment which is hopelessly consumed by growth . It knows nothing else and refuses to accept that anything else exists. The morons posting here are evidence enough of that- this forum being the ignorance of the world in microcosm.
They will try to thwart the new education with lies, false accounting, tame academics and character assassination- the latter being deemed the simplest task to delegate to their conditioned trolls and ' influencers ' on-line. They already own the mass media and the actual killing of investigative journalists has become common.
Thunberg herself is not beyond their threats and intimidations- and you can see the mode of attack in which the trolls have been instructed - but she has attained a level of dignity, fame and support which makes her near-invulnerable. The longer she steers the ship the larger grows the fleet - so the task of every climate and environment conscious soul is to support her and the masses of the new generation which WILL find new routes for us as a species and construct the new foundations of our new civilization- if there is to be one. That's in our hands .
Crush a troll today.