Greta Thunberg

So, the Democrats are using this poor disturbed 16 year old child as the face of their climate change scam.

These mean, heartless Democrats should be ashamed for their abuse of this 16 year old disturbed child.

Now check how stoopid you look;

Canadians rally across country to call for bolder action on climate change

4 of 6 major party leaders participate in marches

Hundreds of thousands of Canadians attended marches across the country to urge government and corporate leaders to address climate change.

The grassroots groups behind the Canadian marches have specific demands, including refusing any new oil and gas projects and cutting emissions to be just one quarter of what they were in 2005 by 2030.

"As a collective of young people from across the country, we aim to steer Canadian society off our current path of ecological and social catastrophe," says the mandate of Climate Strike Canada, one of the groups spearheading the marches. "Drastic climate action is the only option for humanity."

Greta Thunberg, the 16-year-old Swedish activist who has helped spur the global climate protest movement, ​​​​appeared in Montreal and encouraged thousands of Canadians to take to the streets today.

"The strikes have been very successful today," Thunberg said in Montreal.

"It is a very good day, I will say."

Haw, haw..............................haw.
Greta Thunberg wins 'Alternative Nobel Prize' for her 'inspiring' climate change advocacy

Swedish climate-change activist Greta Thunberg is among four winners of The Right Livelihood Award, often called the "Alternative Nobel Prize," the Right Livelihood Foundation announced Wednesday.

The teen activist, whose impassioned speech at the U.N. Climate Action Summit made international headlines this week, won the award for “inspiring and amplifying political demands for urgent climate action reflecting scientific facts,” the organization said.

The prize traces its roots to 1979 when a Swedish-German philanthropist's proposal to create two new Nobel Prizes, including one for environmental work, was rebuffed, the organization says. Since 1980, the Right Livelihood Award has been given to 178 people from 70 countries.

You go girl!!!
You live in a Shit shack

"Thinking, complaining, whining, mocking, shaming is not doing....." says the "rescuer" who sits on her ample fundament every day, posting the same dog shares over and over and over and over. Sometimes the same one(s) a dozen times/day. So much easier than "doing". lol
This young lady won the Nobel Peace Prize when she was a teenager. Yet I don't recall the same hate, scorn, shade, sleaze, and slime thrown at her as our Reichwing friends have been throwing at Ms. Thunberg. Interesting, isn't it?

So, you hate Malala.

She actually suffered physical harm, was shot. She was a hero, shot in the face by the terrorists, the Taliban. Then she continued to encourage the Afghan young girls to continue to attend school, after being shot to do so.

Surely you see the distinct difference, Mujer de Buho.
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This young lady won the Nobel Peace Prize when she was a teenager. Yet I don't recall the same hate, scorn, shade, sleaze, and slime thrown at her as our Reichwing friends have been throwing at Ms. Thunberg. Interesting, isn't it?

Not in the least, only somebody seriously deluded would try to make a comparison between a young girl shot by Islamic fanatics and a scientifically illiterate teen being used by the Climate Industrial Complex for their own selfish ends.
Yes, these mean, hateful Democrats have exploited a 16 year old disturbed child and made her the face of the climate change scam.

They would push grandma off the a wheelchair.
Not in the least, only somebody seriously deluded would try to make a comparison between a young girl shot by Islamic fanatics and a scientifically illiterate teen being used by the Climate Industrial Complex for their own selfish ends.

Horseshit, maggot. Each is a young female with a cause, both universally admired and both successful in the first phases of their endeavors . You're really having a bad year, aincha, old chap.
Yes, these mean, hateful Democrats have exploited a 16 year old disturbed child and made her the face of the climate change scam.

They would push grandma off the a wheelchair.

But you are just fine with your standard bearer stealing charity funds from kids with cancer? Are you going to answer that or just moan and groan about it?

No one exploited Greta but she is great and we love her!