Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Ahh, but the devil is in the details, and not the headlines my intellectually impotent friend. Observe and learn:
I put the same questions to Lord Moncton a few years ago....he couldn't do anything but parrot similar rebuttal to Nakamura. Essentially, you have to ignore over 2 centuries of increasing deforestation, urbanization, industrial effluents into the sea and air, chemical poisoning of land, to say that mankind has no impact or negligible impact on the climate in order to buy into Nakamura's scientific myopia. Yes, we can all quibble over exact date predications, but the effects are in our faces....what use to be occasional severe weather every few decades is becoming increasingly more frequent.
I would be interested in seeing Nakamura's take on the effect of Fukushima's constant radioactive waste water dump into the sea, or what's happened around all those lakes that got killed via acid rain a few decades ago. But hey, you corporate industrial flunkies got your one icon against many, so you're justified, NASA documentation over years be damned.