Aww, the whittle Brit is all in a snit because he got nailed trying to pass off his mental flatulence as a rational, logical argument.
It's like this, toodles: you NEVER mention the racial identity of the other posters you contest with...but you deemed it necessary when you complain about me to your like minded compadre. That speaks volumes to your mindset, subconscious or otherwise. The evidence belies your protest/explanation. No one but your equally dim buddies here are buying it.
I found this quote from you particularly entertaining:
This charade was heavily orchestrated behind the scenes, as always follow the money. Tom Steyer, George Soros, Al Gore and PR consultant Ingmar Rentzhog's We Don’t Have Time climate change PR agency are just some of the figures lurking in the shadows.
This is classic right wing-nut bilge....all accusations, supposition and conjecture without a shred of valid documentation to support them. In short, more smoke blowing from you.
And anytime you actually want to debate the subject using facts and logic, I'm game. But be warned, I put to shame that jocker Monckton a few years ago with some simple questions that he couldn't BS past. You, I can lay waste to without breaking a sweat.
But do continue to blow smoke instead of actually putting forth your alleged information that discredits the content of Thunberg's speech....it's a guilty pleasure of mine watching you flail. Carry on.
p.s. - you link doesn't work.