Greta Thunberg

Swim with the fishes? Picking up mafia lingo from the racketeering mob boss wannabe who you chose as your standard bearer? or are you Clemenza? lmfao

I could feed you some cinnabar, seems like poetic justice for you to die in exquisite agony from acute mercury poisoning.
Do you truly think that ignorant peasant is going to give an intelligent answer?

Of course not. I fully expect a full page blow up photo of a snarling Greta as an answer because that's about the best he's got. The best others have is "but 97% consensus" or "the science is settled" or "temperatures were above normal today for this time of year" or "we have 12 more years and the planet is doomed", or "several Alaska Natives' bodies bubbled up from their graves because the permafrost melted during an unusual heat wave last July, we're doomed".
Of course not. I fully expect a full page blow up photo of a snarling Greta as an answer because that's about the best he's got. The best others have is "but 97% consensus" or "the science is settled" or "temperatures were above normal today for this time of year" or "we have 12 more years and the planet is doomed", or "several Alaska Natives' bodies bubbled up from their graves because the permafrost melted during an unusual heat wave last July, we're doomed".

Nope, we're not doomed. Looks like below average temps here in the Northeast. Possible record breaking low temps expected tomorrow. Damn global cooling...
You just added one more, chump.

No angst here, you pathetic moron. Now drool on this;

'Greta Thunberg effect' driving growth in carbon offsetting

NGOs report fourfold increases in investments in carbon-reducing projects in developing countries

Growing concern about the climate crisis and the “Greta Thunberg effect” are driving huge increases in individuals and businesses choosing to offset their emissions by investing in carbon-reducing projects in developing countries.

NGOs and organisations involved in carbon offsetting have seen as much as a fourfold increase in investment from people who want to try to mitigate their carbon footprints.

Haw, haw......................haw.