Greta Thunberg

Originally Posted by anonymoose View Post
Thry google it bit have a clue about what the explanation is.
moon; said:
Yeah- way too many burning bushes to ignore the likes of young Greta.
It's quite amazing how many of us don't want to rise up in no fiery chariot.
Seems it's still some 50 year reunion some 15 years later of that Christ existed before God Darwin - Mengele survival of the fittest Islamophobia Christainanality pedophilia pseudoscience academy fascists where any suicidal super egos in homicidal sociopsychopathilogical human mass extinction farming techniques also existed before God as those "man is God" communicate so reverently in diatribe tautology.

Fuck off, you attention-seeking moron.
Into the Night Soil;

How many gears does 'climate shift' have? Is it automatic or manual?

The left has exploited this poor disturbed child.

They should be ashamed.

Hey- Loopy Lobes- ' the Left ' is a collective noun , designated ' it ', singular- not 'they ', plural.
We'll promote your error though, just to highlight you as a pompous , repetitive tosser.
Haw, haw..........................................................................................................................................haw.

Now stfu and fuck off.
How many gears does 'climate shift' have? Is it automatic or manual?

If it's climate shift gears are based on a theory of negative entropy where the Christiananality pedophilia Godvernment baptizes thine eyes by urinations resulting in a geometrically multiplicative entropy increase in loss of eyesight, it's automatically Islamophobia Christiananality pedophilia manually manipulated by super egos beyond the pleasure principle for that survival of the fittest fascists climate diatribe tautology in that Darwin-Mengele award tradition .
If it's climate shift gears are based on a theory of negative entropy where the Christiananality pedophilia Godvernment baptizes thine eyes by urinations resulting in a geometrically multiplicative entropy increase in loss of eyesight, it's automatically Islamophobia Christiananality pedophilia manually manipulated by super egos beyond the pleasure principle for that survival of the fittest fascists climate diatribe tautology in that Darwin-Mengele award tradition .

You must post to exercise your fingers because by now you must know that nobody reads your drivel.
You must post to exercise your fingers because by now you must know that nobody reads your drivel.

Certainly avoidance - acceptance of the not so master race in it's survival of the fittest pseudoscience pedophilia fascists whether they be Islamophobia "death to the infidels" or Christiananality "serve the Pope or die" master plan Darwin - Mengele compulsive - obsessive subscribers for future mass extinction events.
You must post to exercise your fingers because by now you must know that nobody reads your drivel.

Still doing your best Nuremberg Evangelical Nazi War criminal patriot act for the 21st century Islamophobia dhimmitude servitude national religion as :
Originally Posted by anonymoose said:
Never heard of ( negative entropy ) that so i looked it up. Looks like it has something to do with communication and no physical law, certainly not the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, therefore irrelevant.
Where geometrically multiplicative increasing negative entropy has space as the place for the human race, fried & freeze dried all over the place from Christiananality "man is God" Darwin - Mengele pedophilia survival of the fittest fascists mass extinction award added to your credits too.... like
Originally Posted by CFM said:
No, it appears you have fun being a nigger? No one understands why someone would want to be known as one. However, it's your choice. When you baby mama told you to be good at something, I seriously doubt the ho meant that.
The Scrabble-generated buzz-word disseminator.

Remarkably familiar as all those way too dang lily brilliant white Evangelical thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament - absentee voting ballot arsonists diatribe political Christian Nation pollution ....