Grifted by the Inauguration: $5000 Down the Drain for a No-Show Event

When you get your "facts" from Newsmax and Fox like that one does, you are not living in the real world.

Obama wasn't afraid of the cold. And his crowds are still the largest ever.
The alt right posters are sure that it was the biggest crowd in American history, several million, all fitting neatly into the Capitol Building. I would not have believed that as possible, but... I still do not believe that is possible.
The alt right posters are sure that it was the biggest crowd in American history, several million, all fitting neatly into the Capitol Building. I would not have believed that as possible, but... I still do not believe that is possible.
Counting the ones outside, it was huuge (sic) Walter.

Trump is now your president, Walter.

Jan. 20th was a triple win...
A share from a FB friend
"JAN 20 was the coming together of the three great pillars of the United States of America: Faith, Country and Family.

Faith: Martin Luther King Jr. was a Christian. He loved God and tried to be Christ-like. Contrary to what some might think, being Christ-like means loving everyone, yes, but it also means correcting, admonishing, calling out bad behavior and then inspiring people to change for the better. That was Jesus. That was Martin Luther King. He "fought" for change with every breath in him - as did his Lord. He was killed for it - as was our Lord. He is remembered for it - as is Our Lord. He is copied - as is Our Lord.

I think ours was the first country to establish a government based on Faith in God. John Adams said, “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

Country: Whether one is happy or sad about the election of President Trump, as Americans we are grateful for peaceful elections and the transfer of power we have here in our United States. Our presidents link Christianity with Country when they place their hand on a Bible, usually a family Bible or the Bible of President Abraham Lincoln and pledge "to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Family: A football game? I think so. Aunts, uncles, cousins and friends gathering at "the house." Everyone brings snacks and drinks. The little kids go outside to play or down to the basement. The others turn the TV on loud, find the channel and watch Notre Dame - or Ohio State - win. There is shouting, silence, cheers, jeers - and so much love in that room. Even when one's team loses, there is love. That is family.

And God Bless America."
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You lost too.
We all lost. 5 days into the Ninth Circle of Hell (that's Treachery for the "conservatives" who don't have an education) and Trump has spent all of it firing people who disagree with him, raging against our international allies, and targeting minorities for any sort of mistreatment he wants. He is an absolute monster.