Grifted by the Inauguration: $5000 Down the Drain for a No-Show Event

Rank and File Lefties and their Production, Freedom, and basic human Dignity are soon parted.

While the Elite Lefties live in mansions and drink champagne. Just ask the BLM Elites.

Sad, just sad.
Would buy Trump NFTs and cryptocurrency but can't afford them.
FowlOwl is trying so hard to sound like she has a point. She has to be one of the dumbest of all libtard drone here. lol well, I'll admit that's hard to say with so many drones to choose from.
Wow. Just how bitter is your life these days, Tedious? Did you abuse your wife like you are abusing women on this forum? Is that why you are bitter and alone?
I hope so,
But with Trump has said he is going to do already I don't think so.

I am , with Trumps 100/200 EOs he will put in place I am positive he will fuck the American people big time.
The only thing a libtard drone is sure off is how to be a libtard drone. The reason, it's so very easy to do. Follow the hive masters and parrot their talking points, piss and moan, shave their heads, chant slogans, insult anyone's statements that conflicts with drone directives, and of course, stay clear of any common sense truths. Sounds like a lot, but you already know how easy it is.
Wow. Just how bitter is your life these days, Tedious? Did you abuse your wife like you are abusing women on this forum? Is that why you are bitter and alone?
Oh Dutchy, confused as always, you should know what a great mood I'm in right now. Literally watching the best president in history about to take the oath of office. And as for the 'abusing' woman, first, a good libtard doesn't make such distinctions, how terrible you are for doing so. FowlOwl could have any and all genitalia and might identify as a wild boar for all we know. If she's cool with being called a woman, I'd ask if criticizing a woman constitutes abuse? Strong independent women are not supposed to be fragile victims like, say, you.
The only thing a libtard drone is sure off is how to be a libtard drone. The reason, it's so very easy to do. Follow the hive masters and parrot their talking points, piss and moan, shave their heads, chant slogans, insult anyone's statements that conflicts with drone directives, and of course, stay clear of any common sense truths. Sounds like a lot, but you already know how easy it is.
YEP I HAVE been watching the MAGAS do it for a long time now.
Sorry you don't like or can't handle the truth.
Go FUCK yourself ASSHOLE.
ROFL oh boy, this will be a great day for so many reasons. The least of which is seeing that rage come out from all the libtard drones everywhere. I wonder which will be my favorite, there should be some great clips from people just like you doing God only knows what. lol