grind has no morals

12(c) - Language that is sexually violent (e.g. rape/incest/graphic sex details that simply go 'too far') and/or is used in a manner to harass other users may be removed at moderator discretion without notice or apology, and could end up resulting in a ban if we get tired of repeatedly having to edit posts made by the same individuals over and over.

and now you say I have to stop using these insults or you will ban me?

we have been getting reports of others using this type of language. You fall into that same group. You are all on notice.
12(c) - Language that is sexually violent (e.g. rape/incest/graphic sex details that simply go 'too far') and/or is used in a manner to harass other users may be removed at moderator discretion without notice or apology, and could end up resulting in a ban if we get tired of repeatedly having to edit posts made by the same individuals over and over.

and now you say I have to stop using these insults or you will ban me?

I would also include your constant references to bestiality, leave the weasels alone!
Today, 11:43 AM
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Alright desh I didndt want to ban you from this thread given you are nominated a couple of times but I refuse to indulge a miserable bitch like yourself. Thread will be remade with you thread banned.
You've been on JPP for nearly 10 years and you're just now figuring this out? For fucks sake Desh (no pun intended).
I began insulting people like this when all attempts to appeal to their decency fell flat.

I used to be all nice and sweetness

I thought for SURE all you people needed was the FACTS and you would come around.

I was treated with the evil that is obviously he evil hat makes you people be right wing.




sexually oriented threats

I even had Immanuel claim I was always insulting everyone.

I ha to tell him I never have and to go look

he had to come back after looking and confess he was wrong.

I was given NOTHING by you right wing racists for being kind


you made it so that being kind to you was a no gainer

It meant I was barraged with evil stuff because you thought is would scare and intimidate me into shitting up.

I can out insults any one of you

I can out fact any one of you.

you constantly look for ways to stop me

nothing you can do will stop me from airing the facts


now I will refrain from invective.

I have done it before many times

giving you the FACTS does not require the invective.

you ONLY hope of stopping me from giving you the FACTS you hate is to just ban me for giving you facts you hate.

Its what US Message boards did when I complied with every rule they made for JUST ME was complied with and the facts didn't stop coming from me.

watch and see how evil the level of insult to me gets.

when I'm nice you evil ones get to thinking that bad words will scare me.

they forget that I'm more than just nice mommy

they forget or are new and don't know my skills.

you want me to not use some of my skills so that your skills of the same seem better.

you watch

some of your male cons will go all sexual threats

you will let them an say nothing
well let me remind you of it.

when Gabby Giffords got shot in the head by a crazy kid inspired by right wing hate I started a thread on USM

I titled It he civility experiment.

I vowed for a whole year not to use invective or insult people and asked people to join in.

for a whole year I used no invective

I only used FACTS and Ignored all he insults heave a me.

Not one con joined he pledge.

In fact they joined together an heaped massive insult on me no matter what the thread was about.

I went a whole year

I even had a guy ask me to join his in person discussion group at a local college on he subject of how o discuss issues with civility.

It was about wo days before the whole thing was over.

Poor guy

I can imagine his shock when I started a thread about insults and nothing but insults the day it ended.

that one was a laugh riot.

people would come an insult me

I would barrage them with facts and then out insult them.

I think it was part of why they banned me

I was tearing them up and showing hem for what they really were WHILE informing everyone on he depth of the republican party decades of cheating voters out of their rights and stealing he power from he people
I think it was part of why they banned me

I doubt that. When you got banned, you brought up supposed voter fraud in every discussion on every topic. You kept getting suspended and public warnings to stop. Then you were gone. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out. It's impressive a liberal got banned, you have free reign there

they gave me no reason for my banning

you have already proven your self o be a liar here.

ask arround
Oh and kas

think about what your claim says

you claim they banned me for talking about a subject they wanted to be kept quiet.

even your claim of why is evil

they gave me no reason for my banning

you have already proven your self o be a liar here.

ask arround

No where did I say they told you the reason for being banned. They gave you so many public warnings, they probably thought only a complete moron wouldn't be able to figure it out at that point
Oh and kas

think about what your claim says

you claim they banned me for talking about a subject they wanted to be kept quiet.

even your claim of why is evil

Reading isn't your strength, is it? They wanted you to talk about voter fraud in voter fraud threads, not in every thread. That's what I meant. Here's how you know that's what I meant. It's what I said...