Grind is now a neocon?

he has NO integrity

he has never honored truth since Ive known him

he has never turned out to be correct

yet still slobbers out nonsense and expects to be taken seriously after being wrong at every turn

the worst judgement and an ego the size of trumps ass
that is not defending him asshole

Its showing him reading poetry

suck that Putin cock

This is all designed to make the people demand we leave the ME and leave it to Putin to be the biggest influence in the area

So let me get this straight. When Bush was in power, the left screamed for us to leave. When Obama was in power, the left just gave him a pass for continuing Bush timetables on various conflicts. Now that Trump is in power, the left went from again screaming that we should leave to now saying that Putin is trying to trick us into leaving?

Get your arguments straight. If we're supposed to stay, then we're going to have to do something about Iran.