Grind never loses car wars

I rarely pay attention to what's going on on the road, and it is truly pathetic that you concern yourself with such trivialities. While you are getting angry at someone for trying to pass you, I am devising plans for how to conquer the world.


watermark ^
mott paints the perfect reason why I always win car wars. And why I would beat him in a car war as well. I put people to the test. And I am willing to take whatever hit if it comes to that. Most people aren't. That's why they lose.

There has NEVER been someone that got into an ego war with me on the road and "beat" me. It's never happened. And I have had a lot of confrontations.

I think this one post has revealed more about you than all the others put together.
My best moment was pinning a guy between myself, the guy he was tail-gating, and a semi that pulled-up alongside the three of us. Incredibly, as the guy got a little panicky and clostrophobic (he kept checking his mirrors and was clearly discomforted), he never let up on the tailgating, and chose to wait for us to overtake the semi rather than slow down, owing to the fact that he is both stupid and a major asswhole. As soon as we cleared the semi, he shot all the way over into the right lane to get away from me.

But when you are driving along, passing every single car, and tailgating each driver in turn, you deserve to have that happen to you. Perhaps it would even be nice if you didn't quite clear the semi while jumping back over...