Grind on Immigration

also your post was moved because gravedigging posts and arguing to a specific poster isn't current events. most people with brains understand this intuitively.

Oh I see... In current events Started by a moderator in current events Started by a moderator in current events Started by a a moderator in current events and apparently an exact duplicate of the above Started by a moderator in current events and another duplicate In current events In APP In current events Started by a moderator in current events In current events Started by a moderator in current events Started by a moderator in current events and apparently concerning the same subject as above In current events

This is just the first two pages for one poster. Out of that there were a total of two in off topic. One an apology from Damo and another that was about whether it's okay to say Merry Christmas.
Oh I see... In current events Started by a moderator in current events Started by a moderator in current events Started by a a moderator in current events and apparently an exact duplicate of the above Started by a moderator in current events and another duplicate In current events In APP In current events Started by a moderator in current events In current events Started by a moderator in current events Started by a moderator in current events and apparently concerning the same subject as above In current events

This is just the first two pages for one poster. Out of that there were a total of two in off topic. One an apology from Damo and another that was about whether it's okay to say Merry Christmas.

Just curious... are you six?
BTW, here is where you, Grind, asked me to back it up.

back your ridiculous claim up. go. have at it.

That wasn't a mistake. I mean that 100%.

Now, you can see in that thread I did not argue that you wanted immigrants killed and I also passed on doing any digging. I said you believed we could do pretty much whatever we want with them which is exactly what you indicated in the first post I quoted here. My recall was 100% accurate and I have not made up anything. Your claims are false and made up. Between you and your band of butt hurt conservative sissy boys and crybabies you can't come up with a single post of mine expressing something in discord with libertarian views.

This has been too easy.

Still, I am just sorta joking about you being a fake libertarian. You are, sorta, libertarian, like Rand Paul or Bill Maher.
Right but the past is the past and today we cater more towards immigrants than we ever did before. The fact that we have entry-level positions that require applicants to speak a second language (primarily Spanish) let's us know that we are serving a growing demographic and the need to, at least in the sense, cater to this particular culture says a lot. I think the problem is really a double-edge sword. U.S Americans want to complain about "illegals" taking our jobs, capitalizing on tax-payer services, and not learning English. Yet what I find interesting is that none of the people who do complain actively protest, and the ones that do, do so on the basis that there are "too many Hispanics in the country and that the 'American' way of life is being lost by their illegal entry." Now of course people don't come out and say it but that is usually implied by online bloggers and people who complain about them. As far as the "they're taking our jobs" true immigrants who come from a third world to a first world are seizing the opportunity to make money they couldn't make back home. However, these people are getting paid illegally a low-wage and are risking much, all at their expense and for American citizens pleasure.

For those Americans that argue "they're taking our jobs" I challenge those Americans to outwardly protest those companies to hire Americans, force them to pay the federally mandated wage, but also keep their mouth shut when produce prices as well as other products go up. Or those undesirable jobs such as housekeeping, grass cutters, and dishwashers, and fruit pickers that Americans are complaining about. I challenge those Americans to protest. Let's not forget the welfare issue.....If illegals are taking all the jobs how do illegals have time to be on welfare? There are illegals who work 3-4 jobs and live in a house with 20 other people.

On the flipside I do see why Americans complain about illegal immigration.....

1) Our lax system

2) Catering to immigrants who are monolingual who do not speak English.

3) Requiring people to know a non-english language (most notably Spanish) as a job requirement.

Again, the number of foreign born immigrants is not at it's highest recorded level. It is at the higher end of that range, but the range starts high and does not vary much. We have ALWAYS been a nation of immigrants or with a high number of immigrants.

An employer can hire based on skills related to a job.

Are you arguing that employers should be allowed and even encouraged to discriminate in hiring based on national origin? You do realize that is quite often illegal?
Just curious... are you six?

Oh look, the little crybaby is back.

I don't much care about it being moved. It ensures this thread will stay at the top of the page longer and so I get more time to embarrass him. Also, it shows that he is a little sissy with an entitlement mentality.

His claim of a reason falls flat and is clearly bogus. He moved it arbitrarily in an attempt to save face and show contempt.
Oh look, the little crybaby is back.

I don't much care about it being moved. It ensures this thread will stay at the top of the page longer and so I get more time to embarrass him. Also, it shows that he is a little sissy with an entitlement mentality.

His claim of a reason falls flat and is clearly bogus. He moved it arbitrarily in an attempt to save face and show contempt.

so yes... you are six.
BTW, here is where you, Grind, asked me to back it up.

Now, you can see in that thread I did not argue that you wanted immigrants killed and I also passed on doing any digging. I said you believed we could do pretty much whatever we want with them which is exactly what you indicated in the first post I quoted here. My recall was 100% accurate and I have not made up anything. Your claims are false and made up. Between you and your band of butt hurt conservative sissy boys and crybabies you can't come up with a single post of mine expressing something in discord with libertarian views.

This has been too easy.

you said that I said immigrants have ZERO rights. Where did I suggest that in any of the quotes you brought up?

Still, I am just sorta joking about you being a fake libertarian. You are, sorta, libertarian, like Rand Paul or Bill Maher.

I am glad you are finally starting to see I am a true libertarian, after your existential crisis. Maybe you want the heat to be called of of you exposing you as the fake libertarian you are? You are a gun grabber and you support social welfare like midnight basketball, and say that those that don't support such programs are bad people.

Rand paul is not a libertarian. At least based on what I have read. Bill maher I think was more libertarianish in the 90's but he's shifted a lot.
you said that I said immigrants have ZERO rights. Where did I suggest that in any of the quotes you brought up?

I am glad you are finally starting to see I am a true libertarian, after your existential crisis. Maybe you want the heat to be called of of you exposing you as the fake libertarian you are? You are a gun grabber and you support social welfare like midnight basketball, and say that those that don't support such programs are bad people.

Rand paul is not a libertarian. At least based on what I have read. Bill maher I think was more libertarianish in the 90's but he's shifted a lot.

I already, noted that, in the very first one.

if it's such a raw deal, they don't have to come here. Let them do as we say, or they can get the fuck out. We make the rules.

Gun grabber? What gun law have I supported?

I never stated any support for midnight basketball. You are probably confused by me ridiculing the hypocrisy of Republicans on such issues. Maybe, if you pulled your lips away from their ass you'd see things more clearly.
As a Libertarian do you support federal funds being spent on midnight basketball?

As opposed to what? Being spent on militarizing local police or some other stupid solution supported by conservatives? Yes.
If I oppose it, it would have nothing to do with the relative value of community policing.

The conservatives all sound like they are stuck in the early nineties due to their inability to incorporate new data. Crime is down. Marriage is not up. The gap between white and black single family households has declined significantly and though the gap in crime has slightly there is no connection as crime has dropped across all demographics.

Their narrative on this topic is busted. They are just trying to play on racism, fear and stupidity at this point.

Grind chimed in here with the idiotic Republican talking points. Midnight basketball is nothing but red meat for morons, like grind, and smacks of race baiting. It is a drop in the bucket and is far from the most unlibertarian federal policing program.

Really dude, if you want to be taken seriously as a libertarian, you need to quit toting water and kissing Republican ass.
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I already, noted that, in the very first one.

Gun grabber? What gun law have I supported?

you stay purposely mum on the issue because you don't want to out yourself. Feel free to clarify your position on gun rights ANYTIME baxter. I'm waiting.

I never stated any support for midnight basketball. You are probably confused by me ridiculing the hypocrisy of Republicans on such issues. Maybe, if you pulled your lips away from their ass you'd see things more clearly.

yes you did support it.
This must be what the fake libertarian is referring too.

Grind chimed in here with the idiotic Republican talking points. Midnight basketball is nothing but red meat for morons, like grind, and smacks of race baiting. It is a drop in the bucket and is far from the most unlibertarian federal policing program.

Really dude, if you want to be taken seriously as a libertarian, you need to quit toting water and kissing Republican ass.

wrong idiot. the discussion was specifically about midnight basketball. you supported it and criticized those against it. you still probably enjoy the program, given you are a fake libertarian.
Most of my comments on the gun debates following Sandy Hook were about tone and rhetoric.

Your comments showing a callous disregard for the children was repugnant and does no good for your cause. There was no more powerful statement against the second amendment made before or since than the one by you.

The paranoid nonsense about them all coming to take your guns which is deeply ingrained in the gun grabber tag is stupid. Most of those advocating more gun control are not interested in confiscating all guns and they clearly don't have the political might or will to do that.

IMO, the best arguments are simply that the gun laws are not very effective which is the argument I made at that time posting threads about the advancement of 3d printing.

Again, you are becoming more and more Republican as you age, falling for the knee jerk reactionary fluff and showing an inability to understand the least bit of nuance. That's why I started calling you Nova Jr.

The fake libertarian supports social welfare. And wont talk about guns either because he is a gun grabber and he KNOWS it will out him for being a fake libertarian.

Right... drop the context in a vain attempt to prove your point. Maybe I should start calling you Ditzy Jr.

It had nothing to do with social welfare, moron.

I am not interested in hearing conservatives whine about federal police programs that give local cops funds for midnight basketball and ignore the funds given to support arming them with military grade weapons. It should be obvious to a libertarian or anyone else that one has the capacity to violate the liberty and/or individual rights on a very different scale. The midnight basketball is just red meat for racists and right wing morons who haven't gotten over their Clinton era butt hurt.

We were discussing crime and the busted narrative of racist conservatives that you seem to find compelling. I don't see any problem with community policing from a libertarian standpoint, except for the fact that the program in question was federal. If it had been local/state I would have no problem with it. But that has little to do with whether it will be effective.

You are starting to sway me to the idea that you are in fact a fraud in your desperate and failing attempts to make your point that I am not a libertarian.
Immigration policy in the past was wildly successful. In the 1880-1925 period, everyone coming in was being processed through Ellis Island and Angel Island. Was that bad, and should they have come in undocumented, Stringy?
Immigration policy in the past was wildly successful. In the 1880-1925 period, everyone coming in was being processed through Ellis Island and Angel Island. Was that bad, and should they have come in undocumented, Stringy?

Maybe you should read up a little more on Angel Island. Are you aware of how immigrants were basically imprisoned there for years? Yes, it was bad.
I don't have a problem with requiring some sort of documentation. I am not an idiot like grind or sty who defines a right as something that MUST be absolute and can not be regulated at all or it fully justifies tyranny. Rights are ideals that we should strive for and use to guide us but if the people demand through legislators, some small and trivial adherence to a procedural formality then so be it. It should be the least bit necessary to fulfill the state interest.

Grind's argument is for national rights and dismisses individual rights entirely. His argument is or was a complete dismissal of libertarianism.
Most of my comments on the gun debates following Sandy Hook were about tone and rhetoric.

Your comments showing a callous disregard for the children was repugnant and does no good for your cause. There was no more powerful statement against the second amendment made before or since than the one by you.

The paranoid nonsense about them all coming to take your guns which is deeply ingrained in the gun grabber tag is stupid. Most of those advocating more gun control are not interested in confiscating all guns and they clearly don't have the political might or will to do that.

IMO, the best arguments are simply that the gun laws are not very effective which is the argument I made at that time posting threads about the advancement of 3d printing.

Again, you are becoming more and more Republican as you age, falling for the knee jerk reactionary fluff and showing an inability to understand the least bit of nuance. That's why I started calling you Nova Jr.

Excellent post.