Grind on Immigration

odd, I thought we were discussing the nonsense String posted.

Can't read huh?

Most of my comments on the gun debates following Sandy Hook were about tone and rhetoric.

Your comments showing a callous disregard for the children was repugnant and does no good for your cause. There was no more powerful statement against the second amendment made before or since than the one by you.
Most of my comments on the gun debates following Sandy Hook were about tone and rhetoric.

Your comments showing a callous disregard for the children was repugnant and does no good for your cause. There was no more powerful statement against the second amendment made before or since than the one by you.

The paranoid nonsense about them all coming to take your guns which is deeply ingrained in the gun grabber tag is stupid. Most of those advocating more gun control are not interested in confiscating all guns and they clearly don't have the political might or will to do that.

IMO, the best arguments are simply that the gun laws are not very effective which is the argument I made at that time posting threads about the advancement of 3d printing.

Again, you are becoming more and more Republican as you age, falling for the knee jerk reactionary fluff and showing an inability to understand the least bit of nuance. That's why I started calling you Nova Jr.
Here's the real funny part String....he doesn't even own a gun. LOL
It's like you're petrified to say anything that will offend Grind. Grind is scared of middle school children and wants a gun to fend them off, but is too scared to buy a gun. But somehow he's put the fear of God into you.


I tell grind to get fucked about once a month, just to keep him in line. Man up Superfreak.
Did not see this one earlier.

wrong idiot. the discussion was specifically about midnight basketball. you supported it and criticized those against it. you still probably enjoy the program, given you are a fake libertarian.

You are absolutely lying. Show where I supported it without dropping context in a clear attempt to change my meaning. I answered yes to my own question...

As opposed to what? Being spent on militarizing local police or some other stupid solution supported by conservatives?

It is obviously dishonest to drop that and pretend I said yes to cawacko's q.

Before that, I noted that it appears community policing has been effective in reducing crime. That's the job of police and there is a very good reason to believe that creating a sense of community among police and the people they are supposed to protect and serve can be effective in reducing crime. That statement has no connection with whether I approve of the way it was implemented. Again, I would rather the locals/state fund that, but I am more bothered by the feds sending them tanks, militarizing the police and pushing the drug war which is counterproductive to that whole community, protect and serve thing.

Do you have an HONEST argument on how this contradicts libertarian views.
Again, the number of foreign born immigrants is not at it's highest recorded level. It is at the higher end of that range, but the range starts high and does not vary much. We have ALWAYS been a nation of immigrants or with a high number of immigrants.

An employer can hire based on skills related to a job.

Are you arguing that employers should be allowed and even encouraged to discriminate in hiring based on national origin? You do realize that is quite often illegal?

You seem to equate "immigration", with "illegal immigration".
What is the Libertarian position on immigration? (assuming there is only one)

The party usually supports open border, basically legalizing the ability to cross borders at whim. Of course among actual members there is a great disparity in how to deal with illegal immigration.
So, Grind, you have not addressed your unlibertarian and nationalist argument of immigration. All you have done is divert attention by attacking me using a strawman argument as you ridiculous claimed I said you wanted to kill immigrants. Have you changed your mind on these issues are are you still a fake libertarian?
When the hell did libertarianism become such a trendy ideology? Everyone and their mother now wants to be a "libertarian", no matter how poorly it fits. Just get over it.