
i don't hate you. I dont think i have been hatin. I just don't like you in my face talking about egos. Especially when I am having fun in whatever goes. I am much less serious in that section, that's how it is chico.
i don't hate you. I dont think i have been hatin. I just don't like you in my face talking about egos. Especially when I am having fun in whatever goes. I am much less serious in that section, that's how it is chico.

So you can have fun in the whatever goes section, but I can't? Don't be hatin', be participatin'.
well you are hard to read I can't tell if you are being serious or not. I think you were, or at least, half/serious
well you are hard to read I can't tell if you are being serious or not. I think you were, or at least, half/serious

That ain't right. You bein' all hatin on my shit. Man, I got my ol' lady for that. Why you gotta throw fuel on the fire?
so when you said I have an ego prob you were just kidding then?

No, I think you and I both know that you have an ego problem. Mine's probably worse than yours, but it doesn't absolve the fact that the problems exist5.

I AM the MAN!!! :)
Grind, we can only argue against the character you present on

If the character you present is an egomaniac, then Grind is an egomaniac.

You as (insert real name here) might not be an egomaniac, but Grind certainly is.
Grind, take a look at the 'proles' thread.

You might not be egotistical in the real world, but Grind (your onscreen persona) is.

Not a major problem, AOI, (my screen persona) is arrogant....
yes vair true...

proles do annoy me, because they want to steal my money and be very controlling. I actually see proles as an enemy :/
yeah, Beefy came in spoiling for a fight last night, failed with Grind so attempted picking one with me, failed there too.
proles do annoy me, because they want to steal my money and be very controlling. I actually see proles as an enemy :/

You are young and foolishness is an aspect of youth.

You see proles as controlling yet fail to address the tyranny of the wealthy that derives from extreme capitalism....


{mocking Grind in a whiney high squeaky voice}

So, Darla, I just like feel that lately, we haven't been getting along the same way. :( I mean, I just feel like there's something between us. I mean it could be PMS, but I'm just not sure. Is my fake online ego getting between us? I think I'm going to call the Dr. Phil show so we can straighten this out. Its been upsetting me a great deal. :(