
im going to murder you mbl, cut you into tiny pieces and poor lye over your body so no one will ever know it was you.

The ego hates to be recognized and pointed out, and when it is identified, it flares up and overreacts - case in point.
no mbl you are just being an annoying little shit, fly in my soup. go away.

No, I'm just making observations. Your insinuation that I am an annoyance, or a fly in your soup suggests that you feel central and that all us other folk are periphreal to your more important existance and thus perspective.

Don't let your ego see this as an attack, it really is an observation only.
no, you are just being a pseudo-intellectual dipshit and you are annoying me.

Au' Contraire. There is nothing intellectual about what my ass is saying. What I'm talking about is spiritual shit, independent of psychobabble. I am a dipshit, your right there, and annoyance comes from within, not without, so don't blame me.

Think about this:

All sadness and anger come from the past, past events. All fear and anxiety comes from the anticipaion of future events. But satisfaction can only be experienced in the now.

Annoyance is a mild combination of both elements that create the negative emotions associated with things that have occurred in the past. It is a manifestation of the ego, but well concealed.
too many hot tub fumes.

Indeed. Too much time making presentations, selling. Whether its hot tubs, or perceptions, or falsehoods or romance, I'm selling too much.

You are as well. It is evidenced by your very adamant dilligence in protecting the persona that you've crafted here. You can't stand to be tested, and when you are, you turn to hatin'.

It is what it is man.
how can I be protecting my persona when I have openly stated that I am not like the person on here? Doesn't seem like I am doing a good job of 'protecting' anything.
Heck beefy, we all know the universe revolves around Grind ;)
it is just something like gravity that we all have come to accept.