Grinds 10 day tolerance break before 420


on indefiniate mod break
tonight will be my last night

for ten days

I have to take a tolerance break... real fucking bad.

I can eat like 3-4 edibles and I'll get buzzed just a little bit. Granted mass edibles are weak sauce.. but still.

Now I have to vape like... a least a bowl or more when I used to get good after like 3 hits.

So tolerance break it is. 10 days leading me up to 4/20. Where I once again will partake in the holy herb.

I am very sad about this ten days coming up. But it is for the greater good.

one last night for mr. grind.
wait a minute :thinking:

10 days = 240 hours. So 4/20 - 240 hours puts me at...

april 10th

which means If I vape on april 10th

10 full days brings me to the night of 4/20


THE PARTY DOESN'T STOP... I have granted myself a reprieve.

TOMORROW will be the last night
tonight will be my last night

for ten days

I have to take a tolerance break... real fucking bad.

I can eat like 3-4 edibles and I'll get buzzed just a little bit. Granted mass edibles are weak sauce.. but still.

Now I have to vape like... a least a bowl or more when I used to get good after like 3 hits.

So tolerance break it is. 10 days leading me up to 4/20. Where I once again will partake in the holy herb.

I am very sad about this ten days coming up. But it is for the greater good.

one last night for mr. grind.

Does this mean that you're also not going to use, during the day??

sadly, I have responsibilities. That's why I am so partial to indica. I need to wind the fuck down after my long day.

I'm just ragging on you.

Have you ever tried the THC tincture drops; because I've heard they're supposed to be good, for relaxation?
tonight will be my last night

for ten days

I have to take a tolerance break... real fucking bad.

I can eat like 3-4 edibles and I'll get buzzed just a little bit. Granted mass edibles are weak sauce.. but still.

Now I have to vape like... a least a bowl or more when I used to get good after like 3 hits.

So tolerance break it is. 10 days leading me up to 4/20. Where I once again will partake in the holy herb.

I am very sad about this ten days coming up. But it is for the greater good.

one last night for mr. grind.

Good luck. Anecdotally, I know a medical doctor who specializes in medical and recreational marijuana.. She tells me that any more than two tokes in a single sitting, is just a waste of good weed.
Grind needs to upgrade to blue meth.

It's cool to dry out once in a while let the brain clear out.
When you return,you get that great feeling like when you first started again
tonight will be my last night

for ten days

I have to take a tolerance break... real fucking bad.

I can eat like 3-4 edibles and I'll get buzzed just a little bit. Granted mass edibles are weak sauce.. but still.

Now I have to vape like... a least a bowl or more when I used to get good after like 3 hits.

So tolerance break it is. 10 days leading me up to 4/20. Where I once again will partake in the holy herb.

I am very sad about this ten days coming up. But it is for the greater good.

one last night for mr. grind.

For a guy who loves weed so much, it's surprising that you're such a staunch Republican, seeing as how they are the main reason why you have to technically make yourself a criminal to enjoy it.

The conservative Republican Party is the one thing standing in the way of a national decriminalization or out right legalization of it's recreational use.

I guess with GOP supporters like yourself, your love of unfettered access to guns for any lunatic who wants one, along with your hatred of minorities, gays and women trump your desire for easily obtainable, risk-free, legal weed.

The cognitive dissonance must drive you nuts. :whoa:

Go figure. :dunno:
For a guy who loves weed so much, it's surprising that you're such a staunch Republican, seeing as how they are the main reason why you have to technically make yourself a criminal to enjoy it.

The conservative Republican Party is the one thing standing in the way of a national decriminalization or out right legalization of it's recreational use.

I guess with GOP supporters like yourself, your love of unfettered access to guns for any lunatic who wants one, along with your hatred of minorities, gays and women trump your desire for easily obtainable, risk-free, legal weed.

The cognitive dissonance must drive you nuts. :whoa:

Go figure. :dunno:

A) that's why, I am not a staunch republican. In fact I have never voted for a republican in my entire life except ron paul as a write in one year. You are correct, that on this issue as well as many others I do not agree with the republican party and actually agree with democrats. In fact I think the vast majority of republican leadership are just as bad as democrats if not worse because they undermine us just as much but do so in a way where they convince some conservatives that they are on their side while selling them out. I describe myself as a "pragmatic libertarian."

Which brings me to my next point, you seem to never read what I say, and just circlejerk or assume things about me. Because I don't hate minorities, and I am very pro LGBT. I supported gay marriage back in 2003 way before it was popular. Hell I would even support open borders if we didn't have a welfare system.

Lastly, I am not breaking the law (at least anymore) because I live in a legal state. booya.