Grinds 10 day tolerance break before 420

Without a 60 seat Democrat majority, I'm not convinced the Repugnants wouldn't block any attempt in the Senate just like they tried to do in 2010 with Obamacare.

If the Democrats are for it, those assholes will be against it.

Unless Republicans have stock in Marijuana Inc.
Without a 60 seat Democrat majority, I'm not convinced the Repugnants wouldn't block any attempt in the Senate just like they tried to do in 2010 with Obamacare.

If the Democrats are for it, those assholes will be against it.

Nomad: "If the Democrats are for it, those assholes will be against it."
Jack: Can't argue with that.
The fix was in for Hillary!

No it wasn't.

She beat his ass fair & square in the western states.

Had that old fartbag not tried to hijack the party to begin with, the Democrats would have been a more united party going into November and we might not have this disaster in the WH now.

Screw Bernie and his empty, pie-in-the-sky sales pitch.
No it wasn't.

She beat his ass fair & square in the western states.

Had that old fartbag not tried to hijack the party to begin with, the Democrats would have been a more united party going into November and we might not have this disaster in the WH now.

Screw Bernie and his empty, pie-in-the-sky sales pitch.

Hillary would have won if she had run with Bernie,many Bernie supporters voted for Trump
After reading all the complaints, up to this point, I've got a question.

Instead of blaming the right for the Marijuana laws; why hasn't the left passed anything, in the past??

Especially since most of those in office and their constituency grew up in the 50's and 60's.
After reading all the complaints, up to this point, I've got a question.

Instead of blaming the right for the Marijuana laws; why hasn't the left passed anything, in the past??

Especially since most of those in office and their constituency grew up in the 50's and 60's.

Both partys made Marijuana illegal,probably take both partys to end prohibition
I hope that happens!

Mason. I want you to go to Settings. Then Profile. Scroll down to: Cloaking Mode. Check that box. I'll give you a few minutes.
(tick, tick, tick ...)
Ok. Now that we don't have the ever present 'eavesdroppers', I've talked with Jade about this and want to get your input.

Mason: "Grind! What's your problem with Gingers?"
Grind: "they are my weakness. well.. not really. But.... I kinda like them."

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Let me run this by you.
1. We know Owl is a redhead and a Manipulator.
2. We know Grind is Leader of the Red Team here. (We've all seen Grind stop suddenly and USV's head immediately plunge into Grind's ass, then Legina's head goes up USV's ass, followed by ILA's head getting jammed into Legina's butt, ... and it just continues. Like some 50 car pile-up on a fog shrouded California highway next to the Beach in the morning)

So ... what if we doll up Owl? You know, get her showered, shaved, perfumed, and everything? We coach her a little bit, tell her about how guys like girls that know how to cook ("A way to a Man's heart is through his Stomach"). Prompt her on talking about 'cleaning'. Guys like girls that can clean a house. (You know what they say about girls that can keep a house clean "That's a Keeper"). We may have to enlist the 2 bimbo girls (Christie and Phantasmal) to be the, uh, mmmm, well, the 'intermediaries' to introduce Owl to Grind. Then, we let the Magic take over and begin to germinate.
The way I see it, ... if Owl can get the Red Team Alpha Dog to come over to the Blue Side, the rest of the lemmings will follow. The entire might and voting block of the JPP Forum puts Bernie over the top. Voila! The rest is History.

Now ... someone is going to have to convince Owl that she needs to take one for the Team on this. Naturally, I would normally do this, but for some reason ... she thinks all my ideas SUCK. So I was thinking ... Jade. But he never got back to me.

So ... what do you think?
After reading all the complaints, up to this point, I've got a question.

Instead of blaming the right for the Marijuana laws; why hasn't the left passed anything, in the past??

Especially since most of those in office and their constituency grew up in the 50's and 60's.

The majority of society has only been in favor of legalization for the past decade at best.

And if you understand how Congress works, you'll understand that without 60 votes in the Senate and a President who'll sign it into law, one party can't pass anything.

As it stands right now, the left would either legalize it or at least decriminalize it, but the right would say "nyet, comrades!!!" even if Mitch "Cocaine Bitch" McConnell would allow it to come to a vote, which he wouldn't anyway.

That didn't address the question, that I raised.

Up there ^ is your answer.
Is there something in the forum rules that forbids mentioning politics in other off-topic forums?

No? Then why the whiny butthurt? What business is it of yours anyway?

Are you some kind of ass-kissing, boot-licking sycophant for forum admins?

Off Topic is still part of a political forum where people come to argue about politics, so it's only logical that some politics might occasionally spill over into other sub forums. And sometimes an off topic subject invites a political observation. It's not like we were discussing TV shows or recipes.


As for anything supposedly in my rectum, open wide and I'll be happy to take it out and shove it in your big mouth.


No, and there is there is no rule against you being an asshole either.
Mason. I want you to go to Settings. Then Profile. Scroll down to: Cloaking Mode. Check that box. I'll give you a few minutes.
(tick, tick, tick ...)
Ok. Now that we don't have the ever present 'eavesdroppers', I've talked with Jade about this and want to get your input.

Mason: "Grind! What's your problem with Gingers?"
Grind: "they are my weakness. well.. not really. But.... I kinda like them."

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Let me run this by you.
1. We know Owl is a redhead and a Manipulator.
2. We know Grind is Leader of the Red Team here. (We've all seen Grind stop suddenly and USV's head immediately plunge into Grind's ass, then Legina's head goes up USV's ass, followed by ILA's head getting jammed into Legina's butt, ... and it just continues. Like some 50 car pile-up on a fog shrouded California highway next to the Beach in the morning)

So ... what if we doll up Owl? You know, get her showered, shaved, perfumed, and everything? We coach her a little bit, tell her about how guys like girls that know how to cook ("A way to a Man's heart is through his Stomach"). Prompt her on talking about 'cleaning'. Guys like girls that can clean a house. (You know what they say about girls that can keep a house clean "That's a Keeper"). We may have to enlist the 2 bimbo girls (Christie and Phantasmal) to be the, uh, mmmm, well, the 'intermediaries' to introduce Owl to Grind. Then, we let the Magic take over and begin to germinate.
The way I see it, ... if Owl can get the Red Team Alpha Dog to come over to the Blue Side, the rest of the lemmings will follow. The entire might and voting block of the JPP Forum puts Bernie over the top. Voila! The rest is History.

Now ... someone is going to have to convince Owl that she needs to take one for the Team on this. Naturally, I would normally do this, but for some reason ... she thinks all my ideas SUCK. So I was thinking ... Jade. But he never got back to me.

So ... what do you think?

I think you been in Grind's stash!
For a guy who loves weed so much, it's surprising that you're such a staunch Republican, seeing as how they are the main reason why you have to technically make yourself a criminal to enjoy it.

The conservative Republican Party is the one thing standing in the way of a national decriminalization or out right legalization of it's recreational use.

I guess with GOP supporters like yourself, your love of unfettered access to guns for any lunatic who wants one, along with your hatred of minorities, gays and women trump your desire for easily obtainable, risk-free, legal weed.

The cognitive dissonance must drive you nuts. :whoa:

Go figure. :dunno:

Leave him alone Nomad. His weed posts are his best.
again, learn to read. I didn't call myself "non-partisan" I said I was not a republican. And yes I do support trump on some issues, but that is mostly out of pragmatism these days because I think democrats are off the reservation. I think democrats are supporters of a deep state and hate everything america stands for - rationalism, enlightenment values, western civilization, free speech, etc

You cannot let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Politics is about compromise and that is something I have come to terms with.

I’d smoke a joint with you anytime...but only if USF rolls it.