Grinds 10 day tolerance break before 420

A) that's why, I am not a staunch republican. In fact I have never voted for a republican in my entire life except ron paul as a write in one year. You are correct, that on this issue as well as many others I do not agree with the republican party and actually agree with democrats. In fact I think the vast majority of republican leadership are just as bad as democrats if not worse because they undermine us just as much but do so in a way where they convince some conservatives that they are on their side while selling them out. I describe myself as a "pragmatic libertarian."

Which brings me to my next point, you seem to never read what I say, and just circlejerk or assume things about me. Because I don't hate minorities, and I am very pro LGBT. I supported gay marriage back in 2003 way before it was popular. Hell I would even support open borders if we didn't have a welfare system.

Lastly, I am not breaking the law (at least anymore) because I live in a legal state. booya.

For a non-partisan, I seem to recall that on occasion, you have voiced some level of support for Trump, or opposition to or at least disdain for, the various Investigations into his activities.

One might understand any "confusion" on the subject.

Also, no matter what the laws of your state say, technically you are still violating Federal law, which could put you at risk of arrest and prosecution should the current jackass occupying the WH and his AG decide it would be politically advantageous for them to crack down.

A) that's why, I am not a staunch republican. In fact I have never voted for a republican in my entire life except ron paul as a write in one year. You are correct, that on this issue as well as many others I do not agree with the republican party and actually agree with democrats. In fact I think the vast majority of republican leadership are just as bad as democrats if not worse because they undermine us just as much but do so in a way where they convince some conservatives that they are on their side while selling them out. I describe myself as a "pragmatic libertarian."

Which brings me to my next point, you seem to never read what I say, and just circlejerk or assume things about me. Because I don't hate minorities, and I am very pro LGBT. I supported gay marriage back in 2003 way before it was popular. Hell I would even support open borders if we didn't have a welfare system.

Lastly, I am not breaking the law (at least anymore) because I live in a legal state. booya.

Booya is right. Unless you can expect some sort of patronage in return or gain an elected position stay out of party politics. Cause if one of those two aren't happening you're just another prole being manipulated into doing what they want the herd of sheep to do while they climb the social ladder.

If anything will alienate you from a political party it's joining one. LOL
tonight will be my last night

for ten days

I have to take a tolerance break... real fucking bad.

I can eat like 3-4 edibles and I'll get buzzed just a little bit. Granted mass edibles are weak sauce.. but still.

Now I have to vape like... a least a bowl or more when I used to get good after like 3 hits.

So tolerance break it is. 10 days leading me up to 4/20. Where I once again will partake in the holy herb.

I am very sad about this ten days coming up. But it is for the greater good.

one last night for mr. grind.

You need to cleanse your body on occasion. It's like a Purification Ritual. 4/20 ... yeah, can't pass that up. It's a good sign you are thinking ahead like this.
(did you know Owl likes smart people?)

PS: Oh. On the downside, Owl is a non-smoker.
It is the "Off Topic Forum." Duh. Get that stick out of your rectum.

Is there something in the forum rules that forbids mentioning politics in other off-topic forums?

No? Then why the whiny butthurt? What business is it of yours anyway?

Are you some kind of ass-kissing, boot-licking sycophant for forum admins?

Off Topic is still part of a political forum where people come to argue about politics, so it's only logical that some politics might occasionally spill over into other sub forums. And sometimes an off topic subject invites a political observation. It's not like we were discussing TV shows or recipes.


As for anything supposedly in my rectum, open wide and I'll be happy to take it out and shove it in your big mouth.

For a non-partisan, I seem to recall that on occasion, you have voiced some level of support for Trump, or opposition to or at least disdain for, the various Investigations into his activities.

One might understand any "confusion" on the subject.

Also, no matter what the laws of your state say, technically you are still violating Federal law, which could put you at risk of arrest and prosecution should the current jackass occupying the WH and his AG decide it would be politically advantageous for them to crack down.


again, learn to read. I didn't call myself "non-partisan" I said I was not a republican. And yes I do support trump on some issues, but that is mostly out of pragmatism these days because I think democrats are off the reservation. I think democrats are supporters of a deep state and hate everything america stands for - rationalism, enlightenment values, western civilization, free speech, etc

You cannot let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Politics is about compromise and that is something I have come to terms with.
again, learn to read. I didn't call myself "non-partisan" I said I was not a republican. And yes I do support trump on some issues, but that is mostly out of pragmatism these days because I think democrats are off the reservation. I think democrats are supporters of a deep state and hate everything america stands for - rationalism, enlightenment values, western civilization, free speech, etc

Oh excuse me. I guess I should've said "goofball". :laugh:

Republican/libertarian/right-wing chucklehead.... it's all the same shit, for all intents and purposes.

If you voted for Trump, which I'm guessing you did, you're part of the the same GOP cabal that he and McConnell and the rest of the scum are.

You cannot let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Politics is about compromise and that is something I have come to terms with.

That sounds rational enough.

Too bad it's only empty words conservatives and so-called "libertarians" only pay lip service to, then refuse to bend one inch on pretty much anything.

Original point still stands. You side with the people who will continue to keep the possession, cultivation and sale your beloved weed on the felony books, and state law notwithstanding, you'll always be at risk of arrest and prosecution as long as they remain in power.

Gotta suck when it's time to step into the voting booth and support that shit.
A) that's why, I am not a staunch republican. In fact I have never voted for a republican in my entire life except ron paul as a write in one year. You are correct, that on this issue as well as many others I do not agree with the republican party and actually agree with democrats. In fact I think the vast majority of republican leadership are just as bad as democrats if not worse because they undermine us just as much but do so in a way where they convince some conservatives that they are on their side while selling them out. I describe myself as a "pragmatic libertarian."

Which brings me to my next point, you seem to never read what I say, and just circlejerk or assume things about me. Because I don't hate minorities, and I am very pro LGBT. I supported gay marriage back in 2003 way before it was popular. Hell I would even support open borders if we didn't have a welfare system.

Lastly, I am not breaking the law (at least anymore) because I live in a legal state. booya.

Only thing is Grind,you might live in a legal state,many of your fellow Pot worshipers,don't!
And still are victims of injustice in a broken criminal justice system,and a chickenshit Congress that won't fix the problem,they started in the first place!
Only thing is Grind,you might live in a legal state,many of your fellow Pot worshipers,don't!
And still are victims of injustice in a broken criminal justice system,and a chickenshit Congress that won't fix the problem,they started in the first place!

i agree
There's Hope just around the corner:

"Ending the war on drugs and legalizing marijuana are among the top priorities of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who announced last month that he is seeking the Democratic presidential nomination again in 2020."

Only thing is Grind,you might live in a legal state,many of your fellow Pot worshipers,don't!
And still are victims of injustice in a broken criminal justice system,and a chickenshit Congress that won't fix the problem,they started in the first place!
There's Hope just around the corner:

"Ending the war on drugs and legalizing marijuana are among the top priorities of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who announced last month that he is seeking the Democratic presidential nomination again in 2020."

It sucks that fucking freeloader plans to hijack the Democratic Party's election apparatus again.
The President takes the lead, then ... the newly elected Democratic Senate passes the Legislation.

Without a 60 seat Democrat majority, I'm not convinced the Repugnants wouldn't block any attempt in the Senate just like they tried to do in 2010 with Obamacare.

If the Democrats are for it, those assholes will be against it.