Grinds 10 day tolerance break before 420

It sucks that fucking freeloader plans to hijack the Democratic Party's election apparatus again.
It sucks Democrats don’t have a contender against a light weight like Trump. The answer for Democrats to gain control of government is right in front of their face and their to stupid to see it. Democrats are so caught up in shit like what bathroom a person chooses to take a dump in or who is going to score #metoo points that they keep fighting fucking battles that they have already won and that most people don’t give a shit about that they give away elections they could easily win.

But no...making sure a transgendered can take a piss in dignity is faaaaar more important than focusing on labor rights and working class pocket book issues. This is why Dems are getting their asses handed to them at a local and State House Level. It’s fucking exasperating. It’s like they have a committee on how to lose elections.
It sucks Democrats don’t have a contender against a light weight like Trump. The answer for Democrats to gain control of government is right in front of their face and their to stupid to see it. Democrats are so caught up in shit like what bathroom a person chooses to take a dump in or who is going to score #metoo points that they keep fighting fucking battles that they have already won and that most people don’t give a shit about that they give away elections they could easily win.

But no...making sure a transgendered can take a piss in dignity is faaaaar more important than focusing on labor rights and working class pocket book issues. This is why Dems are getting their asses handed to them at a local and State House Level. It’s fucking exasperating. It’s like they have a committee on how to lose elections.

Pretty much!
I hope that happens!

I’d rather win both but I don’t see that happening. I’m not optimistic at all. Unless Dems make working class issues a priority and stop treating rural folks like stupid bumpkins and blue collar workers as being too dumb to know what’s in there best interest they will probably lose.
After reading all the complaints, up to this point, I've got a question.

Instead of blaming the right for the Marijuana laws; why hasn't the left passed anything, in the past??

Especially since most of those in office and their constituency grew up in the 50's and 60's.
Cause they are shit your pants scared that Republicans will accuse them of being weak on crime like Nixon successfully did.
I’d rather win both but I don’t see that happening. I’m not optimistic at all. Unless Dems make working class issues a priority and stop treating rural folks like stupid bumpkins and blue collar workers as being too dumb to know what’s in there best interest they will probably lose.

They need a good candidate,Hillary was the worse choice
I regret to have to inform you that at 8:15 Boston time, Grind ran out of weed and killed himself.......His dealer and his mother will miss him.......He is survived by his bong and a half bag of Fritos......
They need a good candidate,Hillary was the worse choice

I really, really like Hillary. She's got more cajones than any macho, chest-thumping Repugnant asshole and she's smart as hell. What's not to like if you're not intimidated by strong women?

I have no clue what drives the hatred of her outside the GOP and Looneytarians, but in terms of her popularity, I suppose she was a risky candidate, even though she did win the popular vote.
It sucks Democrats don’t have a contender against a light weight like Trump. The answer for Democrats to gain control of government is right in front of their face and their to stupid to see it. Democrats are so caught up in shit like what bathroom a person chooses to take a dump in or who is going to score #metoo points that they keep fighting fucking battles that they have already won and that most people don’t give a shit about that they give away elections they could easily win.

But no...making sure a transgendered can take a piss in dignity is faaaaar more important than focusing on labor rights and working class pocket book issues. This is why Dems are getting their asses handed to them at a local and State House Level. It’s fucking exasperating. It’s like they have a committee on how to lose elections.

im sorry, is that a straight white male talking? your opinions are worthless to democrats now. you should check your privilege.
I really, really like Hillary. She's got more cajones than any macho, chest-thumping Repugnant asshole and she's smart as hell. What's not to like if you're not intimidated by strong women?

I have no clue what drives the hatred of her outside the GOP and Looneytarians, but in terms of her popularity, I suppose she was a risky candidate, even though she did win the popular vote.

hilary is a murderer, she has ordered multiple people that oppose her suicided. she's also incredibly corrupt, and a genuinely evil person. Thank god she lost. I would take sanders over clinton any day of the week. At least bernie believes in what he says.
It sucks Democrats don’t have a contender against a light weight like Trump. The answer for Democrats to gain control of government is right in front of their face and their to stupid to see it. Democrats are so caught up in shit like what bathroom a person chooses to take a dump in or who is going to score #metoo points that they keep fighting fucking battles that they have already won and that most people don’t give a shit about that they give away elections they could easily win.

But no...making sure a transgendered can take a piss in dignity is faaaaar more important than focusing on labor rights and working class pocket book issues. This is why Dems are getting their asses handed to them at a local and State House Level. It’s fucking exasperating. It’s like they have a committee on how to lose elections.

Yeah, the far left, progressive millennial, hipster dipshit wing of the Democrats is the equivalent of the tea party on the right.

Dragging the sane, common sense establishment wing over the edge of the sanity cliff with them.
I really, really like Hillary. She's got more cajones than any macho, chest-thumping Repugnant asshole and she's smart as hell. What's not to like if you're not intimidated by strong women?

I have no clue what drives the hatred of her outside the GOP and Looneytarians, but in terms of her popularity, I suppose she was a risky candidate, even though she did win the popular vote.

I like Hillary too,think she would be a great President!
BUT she is a poor campaigner,has lots of package and was past her prime!Trying to replace a President a half a generation younger!
hilary is a murderer, she has ordered multiple people that oppose her suicided. she's also incredibly corrupt, and a genuinely evil person. Thank god she lost. I would take sanders over clinton any day of the week. At least bernie believes in what he says.


Translation: Hillary is a smart, powerful and successful woman and the idea of such a person in a position of power over you is just something you can't handle.
The majority of society has only been in favor of legalization for the past decade at best.

And if you understand how Congress works, you'll understand that without 60 votes in the Senate and a President who'll sign it into law, one party can't pass anything.

As it stands right now, the left would either legalize it or at least decriminalize it, but the right would say "nyet, comrades!!!" even if Mitch "Cocaine Bitch" McConnell would allow it to come to a vote, which he wouldn't anyway.

Up there ^ is your answer.

Are you suggesting that at no time, in the past 50+ years that the left NEVER had a single opportunity to change this??
Yeah, the far left, progressive millennial, hipster dipshit wing of the Democrats is the equivalent of the tea party on the right.

Dragging the sane, common sense establishment wing over the edge of the sanity cliff with them.

Reality check!The teabaggers aren't on the right,the whole fucking party is on the right,with the teabaggers!