Grind's Birthday...

Yup, you can't party because you have to work in the morning and your inferior, antiquated blood causes hang overs. Our superior, youthful bodies allow us to process far more fun than you, on less sleep, and with less down time.

In short, I don't have to stop partying hard.

you are right, i can no longer process the, at times, copious amounts of alcohol, marijuana or food i intook in my early 20's...however...if you keep at this into your thirties, you won't have any energy or money left to have fun in your fifties

you are right, i can no longer process the, at times, copious amounts of alcohol, marijuana or food i intook in my early 20's...however...if you keep at this into your thirties, you won't have any energy or money left to have fun in your fifties

Oh I most certainly will. I am invincible. I am cast from liquid steel, forged in the fires of the Mad Mountain. I AM THE SHINING FLAME IN THE DARKNESS THAT YOU PROLES INHABIT! I LIVE AS FEW HAVE DARED TO DREAM, A EVERLASTING BEACON TO THE GLORY THAT CAN ONLY BE FOUND IN MYSELF!
Oh I most certainly will. I am invincible. I am cast from liquid steel, forged in the fires of the Mad Mountain. I AM THE SHINING FLAME IN THE DARKNESS THAT YOU PROLES INHABIT! I LIVE AS FEW HAVE DARED TO DREAM, A EVERLASTING BEACON TO THE GLORY THAT CAN ONLY BE FOUND IN MYSELF!


you are right, i can no longer process the, at times, copious amounts of alcohol, marijuana or food i intook in my early 20's...however...if you keep at this into your thirties, you won't have any energy or money left to have fun in your fifties


im going full throttle baby, charlie sheen style. I am not slowing down. Plenty of time to lie down when I am dead. for reals.
Says the people who've never been. I happen to have a lovely job.

i have no doubt you have an awesome job...

but detroit is not awesome dude...its just not. it may be a great place for you and yours to live....but, its not a hot spot. there are places in canada that i don't mind visiting every X years due to obligations, but i would never live there. the places are nice in their own right, but those places are not for the vast majority of folks.

you intrigue me with your defense of detroit. during the housing boom, detroit was offering houses for FREE. all you had to do was live in the house. i believe now property values are still among the lowest in the nation. why do you like and defend detroit with such ardor?
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i have no doubt you have an awesome job...

but detroit is not awesome dude...its just not. it may be a great place for you and yours to live....but, its not a hot spot. there are places in canada that i don't mind visiting every X years due to obligations, but i would never live there. the places are nice in their own right, but those places are not for the vast majority of folks.

you intrigue me with your defense of detroit. during the housing boom, detroit was offering houses for FREE. all you had to do was live in the house. i believe now property values are still among the lowest in the nation. why do you like and defend detroit with such ardor?
Because I've been on both sides of the argument. I used to hate Detroit with every fiber of my being. But after spending time here, and being old enough to appreciate it, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. And honestly, a lot of people here say the same thing. Over 90% of the shit that people say about Detroit is from people who have never been here. Yes, there are problems here. A lot of them. But it's not the epitome of the third world that everyone whose never been love to portray it is. And, after 30 years, we are growing. Slowly, but growing, and getting better. Because of people in MY GENERATION.

We are the saviors of America Yurt.
you are right, i can no longer process the, at times, copious amounts of alcohol, marijuana or food i intook in my early 20's...however...if you keep at this into your thirties, you won't have any energy or money left to have fun in your fifties


I have discovered that I can no longer stay up partying, until 4 AM.
It makes me to tired, the next day.
Oh I most certainly will. I am invincible. I am cast from liquid steel, forged in the fires of the Mad Mountain. I AM THE SHINING FLAME IN THE DARKNESS THAT YOU PROLES INHABIT! I LIVE AS FEW HAVE DARED TO DREAM, A EVERLASTING BEACON TO THE GLORY THAT CAN ONLY BE FOUND IN MYSELF!

You're a child.

If you had cold beer and warm pizza, on Friday night; what do you have for Saturday Breakfast?
BTW - Grind. You have the rather dubious honor of sharing your birthday with the infamous Osama bin Laden.