Our JPP conservatives claim Biden is going to destroy the economy and society. Do you think they are exaggerating?
They are evil
They seek the end of democracy
They want a racist forced religious cult existence on America
Our JPP conservatives claim Biden is going to destroy the economy and society. Do you think they are exaggerating?
This forgiveness affects 35% of all taxpayers in the US.
Nasty Nancy says Plugs is wrong to use an EO. She says it takes an act of congress.
Our JPP conservatives claim Biden is going to destroy the economy and society. Do you think they are exaggerating?
And bonus...who are the people who are always cutting the budgets for Medicare and Medicaid? Oh right, people like Flash.
So Flash cuts spending on programs like Medicare and Medicaid, and then points to the resulting dysfunction as some kind of indictment of the program and not an indictment of his attempt to sabotage it.
have always paid my debts.
Wealthy White libs will stop paying their student loans whether this is legal or not. Now, that you've dangled the forbidden fruit in their faces.
81% of the $800B PPP Loan Program was forgiven by the time this article was published this past spring.
Not a peep about it from Conservatives or BoTHsiDerISTs here on JPP, and that shit's been going on since the summer of 2020.
Two Years Later, Was The PPP Worth It?
The average PPP loan forgiveness was around $95,000.
Conservatives and BoTHSiDerIsTs are running their big, fat, fuckin mouths about forgiving $400B in student loans after those same dipshit Conservatives and BOtHSiDeRiSTS forgave $650B in PPP loans.
Those loans would have been repaid reducing the debt the government had to borrow when it issued those loans.
Instead of the debt being decreased by student loan payments, it's being reduced by revenue from increased consumer spending as a result of forgiving the debt or capping payments, freeing 50M from their debt so they can spend money in our economy on things like buying a house.
In fact, it'll be reduced faster through increased consumer spending because this affects 50M taxpayers.
This forgiveness affects 35% of all taxpayers in the US.
Are you shitting me? There are many threads complaining about the misuse of the China Virus money that was passed out like candy. One of them I remember was the millions given to phony restaurants under the guise that they were feeding thousands of children per day. The Fed cash flow did not stop for two years. Feds think the cash is now located in Kenya and Somalia.
You probably forgot because that threat was avoided by the alt lefties here.
"The FBI warrant cites records from the Minnesota Department of Education, which distributes reimburses organizations locally with the federal dollars, showing that Feeding Our Future greatly increased its funding during the COVID-19 pandemic, going from $3.4 million received in 2019, to $42 million in 2020, to more than $197 million in 2021."
Read the article if you have a strong stomach.
Will you benefit from the student loan forgiveness?
And you claim I said she was Asian. Your memory is either very poor or you make-up stuff.
I never said my wife had experienced racism. I said prejudice and discrimination.
If I make disparaging remarks about you that is prejudice. It is not "institutional racism." I am not an institution.
Racism is a word with no real meaning any longer.
It is applied to race, religion, ethnicity, nationality, and things having nothing to do with race and anytime a person wants to attack another.
Cutting fraud and waste from a program is not hurting the function of that program
Much of the fraud/waste is built into operation of the program
The student loans being forgiven have already been spent. So they can't add any more to the debt. Also, because the government is the entity who made these loans, forgiving the debt obligation actually moves the debt off the books, which couldn't be done if these loans came from private lenders. It's basically a write off, which private companies do all the time to get out of debt. Warner Bros Discovery is proving that right now, if you're paying attention.
But since most Conservatives are fucking stupid like you, you'll just search for any jackass who validates your inherent biases because you've already made up your mind about this by being so reactionary.
This move will actually reduce the debt in the long run because now nearly 50M people have more money to spend in the consumer market, driving up demand, which drives job creation, innovation, and revenue.
Instead of the debt being decreased by student loan payments, it's being reduced by revenue from increased consumer spending as a result of forgiving the debt or capping payments, freeing 50M from their debt so they can spend money in our economy on things like buying a house.
In fact, it'll be reduced faster through increased consumer spending because this affects 50M taxpayers.