Guess which poster I am

Guess what fucknut.

I live in a quiet rural city.... we have a liberal council...... and we have low crime figures....

Oh no.... How does that fit into your BS correlation?

What you are doing, you hack, is comparing the problems of busy, population dense inner cities with those of quiet, less population dense rural areas....

And then stating it is liberals fault that inner cities aren't as crime free as rural areas.

Guess what? London has a higher crime rate than Bristol, Manchester higher than Bath.

Nothing to do with which political persuasion is in power, everything to do with the problems of urbanisation.

Crime was rampant in large cities such as London and Manchester even way back during the industrial revolution, when conservatism ran the show... How does that fit with your correlation?
dano.... your detailed "reasons" that liberalism causes all things evil in society are not really "reasons"...You need to just acknowledge that. They are "OPINIONS".... YOUR OPINIONS. Get over yourself. You are not really as bright as you fancy yourself to be.

the fact is...Jim Webb is a great novelist.... John McCain thinks he is a great novelist....even the US Marine Corps thinks he is a great novelist. For namby-pamby casper milquetoast little pricks like you who cannot handle realism in novels, you really should avoid reading them -AND COMMENTING ON THEM ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU HAVEN'T EVEN READ THEM. Stick to Dr. Suess.... stick to My Pet Goat.... they really are aimed at your intellect.
Is she running for Senator? I hadn't heard the announcement...

I didn't realize it was PC to equate lesbianism with pedophilia...

PC is most often neither, and I do not subscribe to PC.
Just equating authors and how the stuff they write has nothing to do with anything outside of that writing, unless they obsess on a particular subject.
thats debatable...

your problem is that your too partisan, you cant take a step back and realize that what he wrote is sickening....

did you read his steamy novel?

I have read it and most of everything else he has ever written....

a better question, rob, would be, have YOU read his novel?

and if you HAVEN'T, why in the world do you feel the need to comment on it?
Is she running for Senator? I hadn't heard the announcement...

I didn't realize it was PC to equate lesbianism with pedophilia...

and I guess you are unaware of the cultural differences between America and the south east asian penninsula? I thought so. What Webb described was not an act of pedophilia...

but I certainly am not all that surprised that you would join the party,so to speak.
and I guess you are unaware of the cultural differences between America and the south east asian penninsula? I thought so. What Webb described was not an act of pedophilia...

but I certainly am not all that surprised that you would join the party,so to speak.
However, the spin on it is the whole "pedophilia" thing. Thus using the lesbo comparison was an equation to that factor.

And don't be so boorish. I haven't given any opinion on what he has written.
However, the spin on it is the whole "pedophilia" thing. Thus using the lesbo comparison was an equation to that factor.

And don't be so boorish. I haven't given any opinion on what he has written.

Cheney's novel WAS about lesbians. Webb's novel was NOT about pedophilia.

and your suggesting otherwise IS an "opinion" of sorts.
Cheney's novel WAS about lesbians. Webb's novel was NOT about pedophilia.

and your suggesting otherwise IS an "opinion" of sorts.
Nah, it was a play on the spin. The spin is that this scene was supposedly pedophilia, thus attempting to use somebody else's novel about something else equates the two things.

Instead of saying, this isn't culturally pedophilia, it was... What do you think about this lesbo book?
Personally I think the defense actually brings more attention to something that would have little effect. The book wasn't all that good, IMO. But I like sci-fi better than realism.
It IS paedophelia, you can call it cultural paedophelia if you want, but it still is paedophelia.

Just like if you were to happen upon a tribe in Papua New Guinea where they practice Cannibalism as part of their culture, as you observed them eating human parts you wouldn't say:
"Hey that isn't cannibalism, it's just their culture."
It can be both.
However, the spin on it is the whole "pedophilia" thing. Thus using the lesbo comparison was an equation to that factor.

And don't be so boorish. I haven't given any opinion on what he has written.

LOL, you related what he has written as pedophillia ? I suppose that was not an opinion :)
I didn't. I related the spin to it. I suppose you really don't read what I write, you just assume...