Gun Nut Kills 2 When Told to Holster His Gun In Gun Store

A gun is a dangerous tool. If gun owners treated it like a dangerous tool, there would not be so many deaths. Honestly, NRA members are the best advertisement for gun control.

they are actually most dangerous INSIDE THE HOUSE.....what is the most common method of suicide in the US?

How? | Means Matter | Harvard TH Chan School of Public › ... › Basic Suicide Facts
How do People Most Commonly Complete Suicide? More use a firearm (52%) than every other method combined. Suffocation (mostly hanging) accounts for ...

The most common method of suicide in this age group was by firearm (49%), followed by suffocation (mostly hanging) (38%) and poisoning (7%) (1).Jun 11, 2004

Methods of Suicide Among Persons Aged 10--19 Years ... - CDC

and guns inside the house are used far more often, about 30 times more often, to shoot the gun owner, or a family member or friend, than a stranger.