Gun Nut Kills 2 When Told to Holster His Gun In Gun Store
A gun is a dangerous tool. If gun owners treated it like a dangerous tool, there would not be so many deaths. Honestly, NRA members are the best advertisement for gun control.
Gun Nut Kills 2 When Told to Holster His Gun In Gun Store
A gun is a dangerous tool. If gun owners treated it like a dangerous tool, there would not be so many deaths. Honestly, NRA members are the best advertisement for gun control.
A gun is a dangerous tool. If gun owners treated it like a dangerous tool, there would not be so many deaths. Honestly, NRA members are the best advertisement for gun control.
WOW you really need an education if you believe that shit...
There is an education that will make me think that guns are not dangerous tools? I really do not want such an education.
They are dangerous in the wrong hands.
They are dangerous in the wrong hands.
they are dangerous. period. moron. that is why anybody has one. good god, are you so stuck on stupid you cannot even admit a gun is dangerous, in and of itself? so would sticks of dynamite left lying around a house. talk about being in denial.