Gun Nut Kills 2 When Told to Holster His Gun In Gun Store

what bullshit. you will believe anything, being a dumbfuck gun nut and ammosexual. most murders in any country, not related to war or civil unrest, are personal. 73% of the people killed by a gun knew their murderer, it was not a part of another crime, or random. dumbass. so your dumbass quoting of this non-fact

"While the UK has a lower rate of gun crimes per capita than the U.S., the percentage of UK crimes involving guns has increased since gun control laws have been ratcheted up. In short, criminals are more likely to use guns in crimes, knowing they can intimidate innocents who in all likelihood don’t have guns."

For one thing, criminals who are not as simple minded as you don't really care if you are armed or not, when they hijack you or mug you they get to decide when and where, and they don't give an armed guy a chance to go for his gun, if he had one...duh.....and if criminals thought they might get killed by armed victims, they would probably just start shooting people, then taking all their shit, to make sure they don't get shot. even a trump stooge should be able to figure that out.

Prevalence and trends of offences involving firearms
Offences involving firearms make up a small proportion of overall police recorded crime. In the year ending March 2019, they were used in 0.2% of all police recorded offences (excluding fraud), a similar proportion to previous years (appendix table 1).Feb 13, 2020


gun pussies want guns, the bigger the better, in public, 24/7, because they are pussies. can't even go to the store without their silly ass penis-extenders, knowing how wimpy they are.


A thing of beauty dude
Not to be mistaken for Bullshit Blob [Truth Detector].

Is Bullshit Blob and Turd Digester really the same person? I knew these radicalized right wing extremists are using multiple user accounts.

I guess when you're all alone in your Mom's basement, you have to do something to not feel lonely.
name one atomic bomb bob that aimed its self and went off, or any chemical weapons that pointed and aimed themself and went off .
Ill be waiting for your answer l flaming capitalist.
Either respond with a list or shut the fuck up and go back to sleep until you know what your talking about .

I said they DON'T, you stupid piece of shit. God, I hate having to explain things to the backwoods rednecks with meth cognitive impairment.

Now, put away that meth pipe, Gomer. I think your mommy is calling.

You're far too stupid to be allowed onto the internet
After parsing my post line by line, you managed to not make a single comment that was true or made any sense.
Even if you knew what words mean, and you've done a great job over many posts proving that you don't,
you still wouldn't have the ability to string them into a cogent sentence, much less a lucid thought.

Whoever told your parents that they were breeding material committed a capital crime against our nation.
An insurrectionist like yourself would logically be the progeny of criminals anyway.

Insult fallacies. No argument presented.
Sad sad sad

Maybe the gun people will begin to realize some people are insane and should not have guns

It is already illegal for the insane to buy firearms, the problem is we have too many insane walking among us that have not been diagnosed, often because friends and family are too afraid of what might happen if they report them.



that is the kind of stupid ass trump stooge mentality that is destroying the country- trying to defend 3 senseless gun deaths by saying the guy who decided to start shooting his gun in public and killed two people before he could be stopped was eventually shot to death, which means, we need more guns to be safer!!

like somebody said when a random gun nut walked into a diner and started shooting folks, for about a half hour before he killed himself, instead of asking "what if everyone in that diner had a gun how many would have died, ask "what if nobody in that diner had a gun, including the loony gun nut, how many would have died?"