Gun Nut Kills 2 When Told to Holster His Gun In Gun Store

Who told you that?

Who told you that?

So an twit walks into a gun store and starts shooting people. The gun store staff kills him, putting a stop to the rampage.

Good guys with guns stopped a bad guy with a gun once again.

2 good guys dead vs 1 bad guy dead. Think this rate is sustainable?
As a firearms owner
I don't believe you.
who has never done anything non-recreational with a firearm since being discharged, and certainly never threatened a human being with one since returning from overseas as a young man,
I don't have the fear and loathing of firearms that most individuals of my political persuasion do.
Your hoplophobia is obvious. I don't believe you ever served in the military either.
Nevertheless, I can see the argument against private ownership of firearms being strengthened every singe day by fucking idiots who think they have a constitutional right to overthrow the government
with their ugly as shit AR-15s.
A New Orleans gun shop is not the US government, dumbass. The weapon used by all parties were pistols. The gun store does sell AR-15 designs.
Sadistic murderers, to view another group, are generally inane, whether or not they deploy firearms in their crimes, and that's why I prefer humane euthanasia over punitive execution as a solution.
So you prefer genocide over execution...riiiight. You DO realize how few executions are carried out...right?
But legitimate sportsmen will soon have a difficult time defending their legal gun ownership as long as insane morons run around shooting people.
Not at all. They can shoot back.
That's what happened in other countries, and it could happen here.
If the government tries to seize guns in general, that government has NO legitimacy. It SHOULD be put down.
We in America have a globally rare--perhaps unique--Constitutional right to bear arms,
The right to self defense does not come from a piece of paper. It is inherent.
and in a polarized nation like ours, our Constitution is impossible to amend anymore.
Nope. The amendment process is still there and it still works.
There's bound to be a way around it, however,
So you want to toss out the Constitution. You again reveal that you do not recognize the Constitution of the United States nor of any State constitution. People serving in the military take an oath to uphold the the Constitution that YOU do not recognize.
and the irony is that gun-toting trumpanzees and other violent socio / psychopaths who are the ones always screaming to keep their guns
Bigotry. Hopophobia. Psychoquackery.
will be the very reason we all lose our right to bear them.
Not gonna happen.
People who should not have guns shoot people, almost casually.
Define 'people who should not have guns' and why they shouldn't have them, and how you are going to stop them from getting guns despite a black market?
People should qualify for guns.
Define 'qualify'.
They should get classes,
You need a glass to point your finger at someone??? If you can point your finger, you can shoot a gun.
have insurance,
It's been outlawed in some States, DEMOCRATS.
be registered
I do not need permission from anyone to own or to shoot a gun.
and have license renewals,
I do not need permission from anyone to own or to shoot a gun.
They do that for cars.
I do not need permission to own or drive a car.

Car registration is a tax system, used to pay for public roads. As long as I follow the rules of the use of public roads, and demonstrate that I can do so, the government is COMPELLED to issue a driver's license.

I need no license of any kind to drive a car on my own property.

There are no 'rules of the road' for a gun or any other weapon. If you murder someone, the weapon used (if any) doesn't matter. If you kill someone that is trying to hurt or kill YOU or one of your family, or stopping a theft or violent crime, it is justifiable. The weapon used doesn't matter...again.
France makes gun owners take a yearly psychological evaluation to demonstrate their competence to own firearms.

There are some gun humpers on this forum who should really have to prove their mental competence to own AR15s and AK47 knockoffs.

And they have illegal Muslims with illegal full-auto weapons that shoot everybody up, too.

The US should vet the Mosques like France does, though. After vetting, they closed more than 1/2 of them down.
Just like nuclear bombs don't vaporize people and chemical weapons don't liquefy people. How clever you are, BullShitBob.

It is legal to own a nuclear bomb. It's not practical, and it's expensive, but it IS legal.
It is legal to own chemical weapons. Some are quite practical, such as pepper sprays. Chemical weapons don't liquefy people.
Sad sad sad

Maybe the gun people will begin to realize some people are insane and should not have guns

So maybe those insane people should be in State Institutions for the insane, amirite?

Not raging on the sidewalk by the local store?

No other countries ever closed down their Mental Institutions, only America..and then instances of mass shootings rose in America..
Yeah! Crazy people shouldn't have guns or even be around normal society.
They should be in a safe place. :)
Here that "safe place" is called "Chattahoochee" and it's definitely where Nikolas Cruz should have been before he murdered a bunch of his classmates.
But Scott Israel instituted Obama policies in his county, which kept Nikolas Cruz out of Chattahoochee.
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And the NRA used to insist on such things
The NRA promotes safe use of guns, and promotes training, but it does NOT promote compulsory anything and never did.
Then Russia bought them out and turned them into an idiots parade
The NRA is not 'owned by the Russians'. It is made up of members that support the use of firearms to uphold the Constitution, for the defense of self and loved ones and property, for hunting and pest control, for competition, for practice, etc. It does NOT condone the use of guns or any weapon for committing crimes.
As a firearms owner who has never done anything non-recreational with a firearm since being discharged, and certainly never threatened a human being with one since returning from overseas as a young man,
I don't have the fear and loathing of firearms that most individuals of my political persuasion do.

Nevertheless, I can see the argument against private ownership of firearms being strengthened every singe day by fucking idiots who think they have a constitutional right to overthrow the government
with their ugly as shit AR-15s.

Sadistic murderers, to view another group, are generally inane, whether or not they deploy firearms in their crimes, and that's why I prefer humane euthanasia over punitive execution as a solution.
But legitimate sportsmen will soon have a difficult time defending their legal gun ownership as long as insane morons run around shooting people.
That's what happened in other countries, and it could happen here.

We in America have a globally rare--perhaps unique--Constitutional right to bear arms, and in a polarized nation like ours, our Constitution is impossible to amend anymore.
There's bound to be a way around it, however,
and the irony is that gun-toting trumpanzees and other violent socio / psychopaths who are the ones always screaming to keep their guns
will be the very reason we all lose our right to bear them.

well stated. i believe people have the right to protect themselves, in their houses and homes, but not with assault weapons and high capacity magazines. And it should be universal background checks for all gun sales, and extraordinarily hard to get a concealed weapon permit.
well stated. i believe people have the right to protect themselves, in their houses and homes, but not with assault weapons and high capacity magazines. And it should be universal background checks for all gun sales, and extraordinarily hard to get a concealed weapon permit.

I believe you're a pussy and an idiot.
Very few people in America own "assault weapons".
That means select fire machine guns, very few people can, and IMO everybody should be allowed to own them.
Open carry should be allowed everywhere, that would stop mass shootings cold.
You're the most Commie Texan I've ever seen.
I believe you're a pussy and an idiot.

but you want to have trump's baby and have matt dillon as your avatar and actually seem proud to show a racist traitor flag like a stupid fuck hillbilly punk. who gives a shit what you "think," if thinking is what a stupid fuck zombie like you does.
I’m so glad the NRA doesn’t say shit anymore

The gun nutters are fucked now

Reasonable gun laws will get passed now
but you want to have trump's baby and have matt dillon as your avatar and actually seem proud to show a racist traitor flag like a stupid fuck hillbilly punk. who gives a shit what you "think," if thinking is what a stupid fuck zombie like you does.

You don't think, you just react, because your mind is mush, Fucktardus Giganticus.
You're a fucking zombie drone, and I wish I knew how to fix ya, but I don't.
I know what the next best thing is, though. ;)
Put you down like the rabid dog you are.
People who should not have guns shoot people, almost casually. People should qualify for guns. They should get classes, have insurance, be registered and have license renewals, They do that for cars.

reaaly why guns are not driven on public highways like cars , but let me inform you a little bit dumb ass . I have a carry permit for Florida which by the way is valid in several other states. I had to take a class to get it and have to have a license to carry it already. the license has to be renewed every so often and fees paid. so most of what you suggest is already the law .

No as for qualifying for guns how many criminals who commit murders with stolen gun or illegally obtained guns do you think what your talking about will be affected ? why none of them would. Democrats commit most of the gun crimes by far and 7 out of 10 felons are democrats .

you want to punish and make it more complicated and expensive for millions upon millions of law abiding citizens who have done nothing wrong and you also want to stomp on the constitution which guarantees the right to own guns.

Instead of punishing those who miss use them or are in possession of them .

While the UK has a lower rate of gun crimes per capita than the U.S., the percentage of UK crimes involving guns has increased since gun control laws have been ratcheted up. In short, criminals are more likely to use guns in crimes, knowing they can intimidate innocents who in all likelihood don’t have guns.

Do criminals follow guns?

Criminals Will not Follow Gun Laws, what will everyone else do. Criminals in the USA have murdered, and killed many times over, but sometimes they can be stopped by guns as well as it can be started.

liberals need to pull their heads out of their ass and wake up they are the problem not the gun and republicans but liberals are

I don't believe you.

Your hoplophobia is obvious. I don't believe you ever served in the military either.

A New Orleans gun shop is not the US government, dumbass. The weapon used by all parties were pistols. The gun store does sell AR-15 designs.

So you prefer genocide over execution...riiiight. You DO realize how few executions are carried out...right?

Not at all. They can shoot back.

If the government tries to seize guns in general, that government has NO legitimacy. It SHOULD be put down.

The right to self defense does not come from a piece of paper. It is inherent.

Nope. The amendment process is still there and it still works.

So you want to toss out the Constitution. You again reveal that you do not recognize the Constitution of the United States nor of any State constitution. People serving in the military take an oath to uphold the the Constitution that YOU do not recognize.

Bigotry. Hopophobia. Psychoquackery.

Not gonna happen.

You're far too stupid to be allowed onto the internet
After parsing my post line by line, you managed to not make a single comment that was true or made any sense.
Even if you knew what words mean, and you've done a great job over many posts proving that you don't,
you still wouldn't have the ability to string them into a cogent sentence, much less a lucid thought.

Whoever told your parents that they were breeding material committed a capital crime against our nation.
An insurrectionist like yourself would logically be the progeny of criminals anyway.