As a firearms owner who has never done anything non-recreational with a firearm since being discharged, and certainly never threatened a human being with one since returning from overseas as a young man,
I don't have the fear and loathing of firearms that most individuals of my political persuasion do.
Nevertheless, I can see the argument against private ownership of firearms being strengthened every singe day by fucking idiots who think they have a constitutional right to overthrow the government
with their ugly as shit AR-15s.
Sadistic murderers, to view another group, are generally inane, whether or not they deploy firearms in their crimes, and that's why I prefer humane euthanasia over punitive execution as a solution.
But legitimate sportsmen will soon have a difficult time defending their legal gun ownership as long as insane morons run around shooting people.
That's what happened in other countries, and it could happen here.
We in America have a globally rare--perhaps unique--Constitutional right to bear arms, and in a polarized nation like ours, our Constitution is impossible to amend anymore.
There's bound to be a way around it, however,
and the irony is that gun-toting trumpanzees and other violent socio / psychopaths who are the ones always screaming to keep their guns
will be the very reason we all lose our right to bear them.