Gun Nut Kills 2 When Told to Holster His Gun In Gun Store

Ask your Siberian programmer after he gets back from chopping the days wood so he doesn’t fucking freeze

Putin doesn’t pay him very much

sorry moron I dont know much about Putin except hes a dictator and don't want guns in the peoples hand and has probably stolen Billions from the Russian people and is a murdering sob who hates America . O yes Id like to seem him hanged by the way
Just like nuclear bombs don't vaporize people and chemical weapons don't liquefy people. How clever you are, BullShitBob.

name one atomic bomb bob that aimed its self and went off, or any chemical weapons that pointed and aimed themself and went off .
Ill be waiting for your answer l flaming capitalist.
Either respond with a list or shut the fuck up and go back to sleep until you know what your talking about .
I think things are fine with the real rate. ;)
In reality, it's much better.
At least somebody stopped the piece of shit and he won't do that again!
You wanna bet he will? :awesome:

He won't, but neither will the two he took with him. Do you also think that's "awesome" :awesome:?
I believe you're a pussy and an idiot.
Very few people in America own "assault weapons".
That means select fire machine guns, very few people can, and IMO everybody should be allowed to own them.
Open carry should be allowed everywhere, that would stop mass shootings cold.
You're the most Commie Texan I've ever seen.

Someone should take away your guns and pistol whoop your stupid ass with them!
well stated. i believe people have the right to protect themselves, in their houses and homes, but not with assault weapons and high capacity magazines. And it should be universal background checks for all gun sales, and extraordinarily hard to get a concealed weapon permit.

shouldn't we be as careful about who we allow to post on politics boards as we are to allow people to own guns?.....
You're far too stupid to be allowed onto the internet
After parsing my post line by line, you managed to not make a single comment that was true or made any sense.
Even if you knew what words mean, and you've done a great job over many posts proving that you don't,
you still wouldn't have the ability to string them into a cogent sentence, much less a lucid thought.

Whoever told your parents that they were breeding material committed a capital crime against our nation.
An insurrectionist like yourself would logically be the progeny of criminals anyway.

That’s why he’s on my ignore list. Try it. It will really clean up your screen.
People who should not have guns shoot people, almost casually. People should qualify for guns. They should get classes, have insurance, be registered and have license renewals, They do that for cars.

Right to drive a car in the Constitution of United States of America?
So maybe those insane people should be in State Institutions for the insane, amirite?

Not raging on the sidewalk by the local store?

No other countries ever closed down their Mental Institutions, only America..and then instances of mass shootings rose in America..
Yeah! Crazy people shouldn't have guns or even be around normal society.
They should be in a safe place. :)
Here that "safe place" is called "Chattahoochee" and it's definitely where Nikolas Cruz should have been before he murdered a bunch of his classmates.
But Scott Israel instituted Obama policies in his county, which kept Nikolas Cruz out of Chattahoochee.


So why do teabaggers support such actions?

The Mental Health Systems Act of 1980 (MHSA) was United States legislation signed by President Jimmy Carter which provided grants to community mental health centers. In 1981 President Ronald Reagan and the U.S. Congress repealed most of the law. The MHSA was considered landmark legislation in mental health care policy.

Over 30 years ago, when Reagan was elected President in 1980, he discarded a law proposed by his predecessor that would have continued funding federal community mental health centers. This basically eliminated services for people struggling with mental illness.

He made similar decisions while he was the governor of California, releasing more than half of the state’s mental hospital patients and passing a law that abolished involuntary hospitalization of people struggling with mental illness. This started a national trend of de-institutionalization.

President Trump killed a regulation that would have tightened gun background checks Tuesday, signing a bill to undo one of his predecessor's executive actions following the San Bernardino shootings in 2015.

The Obama administration rule required the Social Security Administration to submit records of mentally disabled people to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, the FBI database used to determine whether someone can buy a firearm under the 1993 Brady Bill.

The rule would have applied to about 75,000 people who were “adjudicated as a mental defective" and who had applied for Social Security benefits, and had a mechanism to notify those affected so they could appeal. But congressional Republicans said the rule could ensnare people who had mental health issues but otherwise were competent to own a gun.

The House of Representatives passed a bill Thursday to allow thousands of veterans who are disabled or have mental health conditions to buy guns.

Under a law signed by President George W. Bush in the wake of a mass shooting at Virginia Tech in 2007, federal agencies such as the Veterans Administration were required to add the names of people deemed “mentally defective” to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, or NICS, to block them from buying weapons.

The National Rifle Association praised the legislation, and urged the Senate to pass a similar bill there.

This is the second major move the GOP has made this year to ensure that people with mental health conditions can buy guns. Congress passed a bill last month that blocked the Social Security Administration from referring the names of people who are mentally ill and unable to manage their affairs.
reaaly why guns are not driven on public highways like cars , but let me inform you a little bit dumb ass . I have a carry permit for Florida which by the way is valid in several other states. I had to take a class to get it and have to have a license to carry it already. the license has to be renewed every so often and fees paid. so most of what you suggest is already the law .

No as for qualifying for guns how many criminals who commit murders with stolen gun or illegally obtained guns do you think what your talking about will be affected ? why none of them would. Democrats commit most of the gun crimes by far and 7 out of 10 felons are democrats .

you want to punish and make it more complicated and expensive for millions upon millions of law abiding citizens who have done nothing wrong and you also want to stomp on the constitution which guarantees the right to own guns.

Instead of punishing those who miss use them or are in possession of them .

While the UK has a lower rate of gun crimes per capita than the U.S., the percentage of UK crimes involving guns has increased since gun control laws have been ratcheted up. In short, criminals are more likely to use guns in crimes, knowing they can intimidate innocents who in all likelihood don’t have guns.

Do criminals follow guns?

Criminals Will not Follow Gun Laws, what will everyone else do. Criminals in the USA have murdered, and killed many times over, but sometimes they can be stopped by guns as well as it can be started.

liberals need to pull their heads out of their ass and wake up they are the problem not the gun and republicans but liberals are

what bullshit. you will believe anything, being a dumbfuck gun nut and ammosexual. most murders in any country, not related to war or civil unrest, are personal. 73% of the people killed by a gun knew their murderer, it was not a part of another crime, or random. dumbass. so your dumbass quoting of this non-fact

"While the UK has a lower rate of gun crimes per capita than the U.S., the percentage of UK crimes involving guns has increased since gun control laws have been ratcheted up. In short, criminals are more likely to use guns in crimes, knowing they can intimidate innocents who in all likelihood don’t have guns."

For one thing, criminals who are not as simple minded as you don't really care if you are armed or not, when they hijack you or mug you they get to decide when and where, and they don't give an armed guy a chance to go for his gun, if he had one...duh.....and if criminals thought they might get killed by armed victims, they would probably just start shooting people, then taking all their shit, to make sure they don't get shot. even a trump stooge should be able to figure that out.

Prevalence and trends of offences involving firearms
Offences involving firearms make up a small proportion of overall police recorded crime. In the year ending March 2019, they were used in 0.2% of all police recorded offences (excluding fraud), a similar proportion to previous years (appendix table 1).Feb 13, 2020


gun pussies want guns, the bigger the better, in public, 24/7, because they are pussies. can't even go to the store without their silly ass penis-extenders, knowing how wimpy they are.
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reaaly why guns are not driven on public highways like cars , but let me inform you a little bit dumb ass . I have a carry permit for Florida which by the way is valid in several other states. I had to take a class to get it and have to have a license to carry it already. the license has to be renewed every so often and fees paid. so most of what you suggest is already the law .

No as for qualifying for guns how many criminals who commit murders with stolen gun or illegally obtained guns do you think what your talking about will be affected ? why none of them would. Democrats commit most of the gun crimes by far and 7 out of 10 felons are democrats .

you want to punish and make it more complicated and expensive for millions upon millions of law abiding citizens who have done nothing wrong and you also want to stomp on the constitution which guarantees the right to own guns.

Instead of punishing those who miss use them or are in possession of them .

While the UK has a lower rate of gun crimes per capita than the U.S., the percentage of UK crimes involving guns has increased since gun control laws have been ratcheted up. In short, criminals are more likely to use guns in crimes, knowing they can intimidate innocents who in all likelihood don’t have guns.

Do criminals follow guns?

Criminals Will not Follow Gun Laws, what will everyone else do. Criminals in the USA have murdered, and killed many times over, but sometimes they can be stopped by guns as well as it can be started.

liberals need to pull their heads out of their ass and wake up they are the problem not the gun and republicans but liberals are

what bullshit. you will believe anything, being a dumbfuck gun nut and ammosexual. most murders in any country, not related to war or civil unrest, are personal. 73% of the people killed by a gun knew their murderer, it was not a part of another crime, or random. dumbass. so your dumbass quoting of this non-fact

"While the UK has a lower rate of gun crimes per capita than the U.S., the percentage of UK crimes involving guns has increased since gun control laws have been ratcheted up. In short, criminals are more likely to use guns in crimes, knowing they can intimidate innocents who in all likelihood don’t have guns."

For one thing, criminals who are not as simple minded as you don't really care if you are armed or not, when they hijack you or mug you they get to decide when and where, and they don't give an armed guy a chance to go for his gun, if he had one...duh.....and if criminals thought they might get killed by armed victims, they would probably just start shooting people, then taking all their shit, to make sure they don't get shot. even a trump stooge should be able to figure that out.

Prevalence and trends of offences involving firearms
Offences involving firearms make up a small proportion of overall police recorded crime. In the year ending March 2019, they were used in 0.2% of all police recorded offences (excluding fraud), a similar proportion to previous years (appendix table 1).Feb 13, 2020


gun pussies want guns, the bigger the better, in public, 24/7, because they are pussies. can't even go to the store without their silly ass penis-extenders, knowing how wimpy they are.
what bullshit. you will believe anything, being a dumbfuck gun nut and ammosexual. most murders in any country, not related to war or civil unrest, are personal. 73% of the people killed by a gun knew their murderer, it was not a part of another crime, or random. dumbass. so your dumbass quoting of this non-fact

"While the UK has a lower rate of gun crimes per capita than the U.S., the percentage of UK crimes involving guns has increased since gun control laws have been ratcheted up. In short, criminals are more likely to use guns in crimes, knowing they can intimidate innocents who in all likelihood don’t have guns."

For one thing, criminals who are not as simple minded as you don't really care if you are armed or not, when they hijack you or mug you they get to decide when and where, and they don't give an armed guy a chance to go for his gun, if he had one...duh.....and if criminals thought they might get killed by armed victims, they would probably just start shooting people, then taking all their shit, to make sure they don't get shot. even a trump stooge should be able to figure that out.

Prevalence and trends of offences involving firearms
Offences involving firearms make up a small proportion of overall police recorded crime. In the year ending March 2019, they were used in 0.2% of all police recorded offences (excluding fraud), a similar proportion to previous years (appendix table 1).Feb 13, 2020


gun pussies want guns, the bigger the better, in public, 24/7, because they are pussies. can't even go to the store without their silly ass penis-extenders, knowing how wimpy they are.

lol I love it when you make a fool of your sef Hooiser fag daddy your so good bat it
what bullshit. you will believe anything, being a dumbfuck gun nut and ammosexual. most murders in any country, not related to war or civil unrest, are personal. 73% of the people killed by a gun knew their murderer, it was not a part of another crime, or random. dumbass. so your dumbass quoting of this non-fact

"While the UK has a lower rate of gun crimes per capita than the U.S., the percentage of UK crimes involving guns has increased since gun control laws have been ratcheted up. In short, criminals are more likely to use guns in crimes, knowing they can intimidate innocents who in all likelihood don’t have guns."

For one thing, criminals who are not as simple minded as you don't really care if you are armed or not, when they hijack you or mug you they get to decide when and where, and they don't give an armed guy a chance to go for his gun, if he had one...duh.....and if criminals thought they might get killed by armed victims, they would probably just start shooting people, then taking all their shit, to make sure they don't get shot. even a trump stooge should be able to figure that out.

Prevalence and trends of offences involving firearms
Offences involving firearms make up a small proportion of overall police recorded crime. In the year ending March 2019, they were used in 0.2% of all police recorded offences (excluding fraud), a similar proportion to previous years (appendix table 1).Feb 13, 2020


gun pussies want guns, the bigger the better, in public, 24/7, because they are pussies. can't even go to the store without their silly ass penis-extenders, knowing how wimpy they are.

lol I love it when you make a fool of your self Hoosier fag daddy your so good at it
I quit the NRA decades ago, boy. They suck. And-?
They surely let Biden/Clinton's "Assault Weapon Ban" happen. ( Which brought on the buying of a lot of SKSs, of which I do not like those guns. :dunno:)
I do not like ARs, either. Wittle bitty bullets, awww.

I’m a chick you stupid fucking dick bag

You lose

Your the minority asshole