Guns, guns, guns, guns

it was a protest with some minor violence, led by the fbi. ray epps.

LOL. Wow.

Hey, I've got some bridges to sell you in NYC. I know it sounds crazy but I actually own one of the bridges and I'm willing to sell it TO YOU. Are you interested? You seem the sharp-eyed clever boy that could use a bridge.
LOL. Wow.

Hey, I've got some bridges to sell you in NYC. I know it sounds crazy but I actually own one of the bridges and I'm willing to sell it TO YOU. Are you interested? You seem the sharp-eyed clever boy that could use a bridge.

You have no bridges to sell. Stop making up stories about yourself.
Appears the MAGA militia can’t deal with all the negative revelations on their Messiah, even “copy and paste” has to resort to his old habits of copying and pasting shit lacking absent of context.

Guess they are stuck until their Fox prime time pimps tell them it is O.K. to dump Trump

You keep posting this "MAGA militia" bullshit, yet you can't/won't define what it is. You libturds must have such a hatred of the United States you want to see it implode.
Tyranny isn't nicer or safer.
Being unable to defend yourself from criminals that have guns isn't nicer or safer.
Being unable to defend yourself from rogue governments with guns isn't nicer or safer.

You don't get to choose who has guns. YOUR hoplophobia is YOUR problem.

nordberg is a retarded imbecile.
You have guns sufficient to stand up against the US Military if that happens? Oh really??? :)
Along with others, yes...easily.
Only in your imagination does everyone have equal access to legal guns.
You don't get to choose who gets to have a gun.
I bet you are on a list somewhere that would keep you from owning a firearm.
Unconstitutional. NOTHING can stop me from owning a firearm.
The gun lobby rewrote the 2nd in public with an interpretation that is opposed to what the amendment says and has resulted in millions of deaths and injuries in America,
Here you go again, by the Chief justice of the Supreme Court Warren Burger
The gun lobby's interpretation of the 2nd amendment is one of the greatest pieces of fraud, I repeat fraud, on the American people by a special interest group that I have ever seen in my lifetime.
The real purpose of the 2nd amendment was to insure that state armies, the militia, would be maintained for the defense of the state. The very language of the 2nd refutes ant claim that it was intended to guarantee every citizen the right to NY kind of weapon he or she desires.
The gun manufacturers foisted a lie on America to increase profits. The deaths and injuries did not factor into their thinking. This is America, corporations only care about money. They will sacrifice your lives for money guilt-free.
Washington fought with a funded and trained professional army. When the Brits left, it was disbanded.