Matt Dillon
Semolina comes from wheat
That might not be too good if the power goes out.
Oooo Weee! We are about to get Constitutional carry in FL!

You don't have much faith in humanity at all.
Lemme guess, you're an Atheist as well..
I have faith in people who are not religious. That shows they can be logical. Reality is noting over 100 Americans are shot every day. It is noting that we have had more mass shootings than days this year. The fewer guns a society has, the fewer shootings and the safer it is.
Now do how many traffic accident deaths and heart attacks, moron.
According to this, 117 traffic deaths a day.
Tell the bolded to the German Jews in 1938, commie faggot. can't.
STFU, you stupid commie faggot, you're not going to disarm America, fuck off!![]()
That comparison is simply wrong and utterly illogical. It shows a serious lack of logic and sense on your part. I see why you think guns are OK. You are pretty damn stupid.
Eleven teens die each day because of texting while driving. Maybe it's time to raise the age of Smartphone ownership to 21. (FACT)
If gun control laws actually worked, Chicago would be Mayberry, USA.
The Second Amendment makes more women equal than the entire feminist movement.
Legal gun owners have 300 million guns and probably a trillion rounds of ammo. Seriously, folks, if we were the problem, you'd know it.
When JFK was killed, nobody blamed the rifle.
The NRA (National Rifle Association) murders 0 people and receives ($$ 0) nothing in government funds. Planned Parenthood kills 350,000 babies every year and receives $500,000,000 in tax dollars annually.
I have no problem with vigorous background checks when it comes to firearms. While we're at it, let's do the same when it comes to immigration, Voter I.D., and candidates running for office.
Folks keep talking about another Civil War. One side knows how to shoot and probably has a trillion rounds. The other side has crying closets and is confused about which bathroom to use. How do you think that would work out?
A man who left 300,000 guns for the Taliban is lecturing folks on gun control.
It only offends you when your schools are shot up, bars and restaurants are shot up, and public gatherings are shot up If a good guy with a gun actually accomplished anything, it would get endless coverage. Even the police will not go into gunfire to save kids. We have over 350,000 kids who were in schools with active shooters. That generation will not be pro-gun. We have kids who were in 2 school shootings. Soon there will be kids with 3. It is not if there will be another school massacre. It is whether it will be your school.
How much you have wrong. Yeah, the answer to violence is more violence and a police state for kids in schools. Without all the guns, you do not have to turn schools into fortresses.
Want to get pissed, get pissed at those who fight background checks and simple requirements for anyone wanting a gun. We test and license autos. We renew licenses. That is a good start for guns.
The way to stop mass shootings is not with more guns, but by far fewer.
Criminals are not all in jail for life. They get out with no job skills and jail on their resumes. How do you survive?
Could you be a dumber motherfucker!
In Florida today, a woman pulled out a gun and held it in the face of a clerk because she did not get her cookie. A few years ago, a guy bought his wife a gun for self-protection. She shot a woman in the head who took her parking place at the mall. People are all kinds of together or unwell. The vast majority should not be near guns.
Every gun owner is a responsible gun owner until the trigger is pulled. 2 six-year-old kids have taken guns to school in the last few weeks. They also claimed to be responsible gun owners. Until that second, they had a kind of argument. But not really. There are millions of guns in the hands of people who will suddenly prove that are not responsible gun owners after all.
You don't have much faith in humanity at all.
Lemme guess, you're an Atheist as well..
But you are religious. You are a faithful believer in the Church of No God.I have faith in people who are not religious.
You deny and discard logic.That shows they can be logical.
Argument from randU fallacy.Reality is noting over 100 Americans are shot every day.
Argument from randU fallacy.It is noting that we have had more mass shootings than days this year.
Gun free zones don't work.The fewer guns a society has, the fewer shootings and the safer it is.
That comparison is simply wrong and utterly illogical. It shows a serious lack of logic and sense on your part. I see why you think guns are OK. You are pretty damn stupid.