Guns, guns, guns, guns

A six-year-old kid shot his teacher yesterday in a school in Virginia. Know why it happened. Because we have guns lying around all over the place. They see people shot on TV and it seems safe and painless. No big deal. If you have a gun in the home, the kids will know. No, yours are not perfectly safe, unless you lock them unloaded in a cabinet and they are not loaded. If you do, what good are they for protection against the marauding bands of bikers, minorities, and illegals who are going to rob you?
A six-year-old kid shot his teacher yesterday in a school in Virginia. Know why it happened.

Because it is the ONLY WAY to ensure FREEEEEEEEDOM in America.

Because we have guns lying around all over the place.

Statistics and probability have no place in this discussion.

They see people shot on TV and it seems safe and painless. No big deal.

To be fair, double-naught spies are trained to take a hit....

If you have a gun in the home, the kids will know.

I went to school with a kid who shot half his face off playing with dad's guns. I can only think that his mangled face was like a giant American Flag flying to remind us of how FREE WE ARE IN AMERICA and that's 100% due to our massive stockpile of guns!

No, yours are not perfectly safe, unless you lock them unloaded in a cabinet and they are not loaded. If you do, what good are they for protection against the marauding bands of bikers, minorities, and illegals who are going to rob you?

Don't forget ANTIFA! Antifa is the top threat to people in America today. I installed bars on my windows just to keep Antifa out!
Because it is the ONLY WAY to ensure FREEEEEEEEDOM in America.

Statistics and probability have no place in this discussion.

To be fair, double-naught spies are trained to take a hit....

I went to school with a kid who shot half his face off playing with dad's guns. I can only think that his mangled face was like a giant American Flag flying to remind us of how FREE WE ARE IN AMERICA and that's 100% due to our massive stockpile of guns!

Don't forget ANTIFA! Antifa is the top threat to people in America today. I installed bars on my windows just to keep Antifa out!

His parents should have been more responsible/instilled more discipline. There were always guns in open view when I was growing up. In a glass cabinet, that was locked, with the key in the lock. We were not allowed to go into that cabinet unless it was

time to take the guns out and go do something. No problems ever. I'm sure they weren't stored loaded, but the ammo was in a drawer below that wasn't locked.

Now that thing that was under the pillow of the nightgown-wearer of the house was probably at least loaded, if not chambered and ready to go. We didn't mess with that either, because we were told not to. We were also taught that was very

serious stuff. We were taught gun safety with real guns by around age 8, not long after being allowed BB guns with precursor gun safety lessons with BB guns.
His parents should have been more responsible/instilled more discipline. There were always guns in open view when I was growing up. In a glass cabinet, that was locked, with the key in the lock. We were not allowed to go into that cabinet unless it was

time to take the guns out and go do something. No problems ever. I'm sure they weren't stored loaded, but the ammo was in a drawer below that wasn't locked.

Now that thing that was under the pillow of the nightgown-wearer of the house was probably at least loaded, if not chambered and ready to go. We didn't mess with that either, because we were told not to. We were also taught that was very

serious stuff. We were taught gun safety with real guns by around age 8, not long after being allowed BB guns with precursor gun safety lessons with BB guns.

I read responses like that every time we talk about guns. But that is not America's reality. Every day 22 kids are shot, and 17 survive. Some are accidental, kids found a gun. Hundreds of deaths by guns every day prove that people are careless with them or use them deliberately. In 2020, 45, 422 people were killed by guns in America. There are a lot of unlocked guns in the country.
I read responses like that every time we talk about guns. But that is not America's reality. Every day 22 kids are shot, and 17 survive. Some are accidental, kids found a gun. Hundreds of deaths by guns every day prove that people are careless with them or use them deliberately. In 2020, 45, 422 people were killed by guns in America. There are a lot of unlocked guns in the country.

That IS reality. Boy. And if kids were taught gun safety, there would be less accidental shootings. I notice you fail to provide a citation for your number there. Why is that?

How many were suicides and how many were police putdowns and how many were justifiable homicides by citizens in self-defense, hmm?

There were 47, 511 suicides in the US in 2019, Doesn't say guns or not, but that many suicides.

Holy shit! Almost twice as many black homicides as white! :whoa:

If my math is right, 18,580 total homicides for 2019. Some were justifiable, I'm sure. :rolleyes:

Your stats r Off, brah.
1. In all the gun control legislation proposed and passed in the last 60 years, NONE have advocated for the total confiscation and then banning of civilian owned weapons.

2. The weapons of choice for mass shooters in the last 25 years have been from those formerly banned by the 1994 AWB.

3. Even when the 1994 AWB was in effect, law abiding Americans had a slew of weapons to choose from for purchase.

4. If the purchase and selling of guns were treated like automobiles, it would help in the reduction of mass shootings and gun crime in general.

When did Biden demand citizens be disarmed?
A six-year-old kid shot his teacher yesterday in a school in Virginia. Know why it happened. Because we have guns lying around all over the place. They see people shot on TV and it seems safe and painless. No big deal. If you have a gun in the home, the kids will know. No, yours are not perfectly safe, unless you lock them unloaded in a cabinet and they are not loaded. If you do, what good are they for protection against the marauding bands of bikers, minorities, and illegals who are going to rob you?

My father was a NYC cop to homicide detective for 30 years. His service revolver was either on top of the kitchen refrigerator or in my parents bedroom on top of the chest of drawers. I have 2 younger brothers.....NOBODY WENT NEAR THAT GUN! Parental discipline took care of that. Just saying.
My father was a NYC cop to homicide detective for 30 years. His service revolver was either on top of the kitchen refrigerator or in my parents bedroom on top of the chest of drawers. I have 2 younger brothers.....NOBODY WENT NEAR THAT GUN! Parental discipline took care of that. Just saying.

So, you're saying parental discipline kept your younger brothers from that gun? Not any one of those 20,000 gun laws (or the addition of any more) already on the books?
Yet you blame guns and their manufacturers and want to ban guns from responsible gun owners. Kind of hypocritical, isn't it?
It's about time you admit it's a parent's responsibility to teach their kids not to kill other kids. I've been saying that for years.
My father was a NYC cop to homicide detective for 30 years. His service revolver was either on top of the kitchen refrigerator or in my parents bedroom on top of the chest of drawers. I have 2 younger brothers.....NOBODY WENT NEAR THAT GUN! Parental discipline took care of that. Just saying.

Well now you've gone and said something that makes sense! :awesome:
His parents should have been more responsible/instilled more discipline. There were always guns in open view when I was growing up. In a glass cabinet, that was locked, with the key in the lock. We were not allowed to go into that cabinet unless it was.........

I generally agree with you and was raised much the same way with guns in the house but a dad who instilled training on the importance and danger of them. But the overall point is that it is a statistical game. The more guns you have around houses the higher the probability that there is going to be someone who accidentally blows half his face off (or worse).

That's the biggest problem in the US. Not that guns are somehow "bad", but rather that we have so saturated our society with guns that statistically more bad things start happening. More gun ownership? Expect more guns to be stolen. More gun ownership? Expect EXACTLY what the studies show: more people murdered by family members in their own home or more people committing suicide with a gun.

It's just numbers.

No it hasn't. YOUR preferred version of the 2A is relatively recent.
The 2nd amendment has no 'versions'. It has not changed since became part of the Constitution, which you deny and discard.
And your fantasy that you could go up against the Government and the military would be on YOUR SIDE is also noted and dismissed.
The government and the military are hopelessly outnumbered and outgunned by the citizens.
Remember: THE POLICE FOUGHT AGAINST YOU MAGATS ON JAN 6. THEY DIDN'T JOIN YOU so your people had to beat policemen with fire extinguishers.
You are describing Democrats.
So either you fancy yourself to be as "hard" as the old Mujahedeen fighters in Afghanistan but that's not even likely given you "gravy seals" can only do about 3 to 4 hours of insurrection before you have to get back to the trailer park to watch yer shows, OR you honestly think you can go up against the largest military on the planet earth armed only with the hunting rifles and handguns you have amassed in your "compounds". Maybe you should google what kind of weapons the US Military has these days.

I love to read the bluster of Gravy Seals. It's "inspiring" (and by "inspiring" I mean hilarious!)

It is perfectly legal for citizens to own and bear the same weapons as the military.
You just keep going on underestimating people and see how far that gets you.
And how does that help you guys running around the woods playing "Militia man"? Are you working with the Chinese to overthrow the US Government?

The U.S. government has already been overthrown. Not since the coup by Democrats. It no longer recognizes the Constitution that defines the federal government.
Are you trying to institute tyranny and Communism in America and trying to hide behind the government?
Yes. That's exactly what he's trying to do. Good call.
C'mon out and try it yourself, bitch! Let's see what you've got, motherfucker! See, you have now gone ridiculous. The only one working with the Chinese is Biden, retard.
Not quite true. Pelosi is also involved.
Yeah, you know better than to try that because you're ball-less. You're relegated to trying to pervert our government, like a cancer.
...and to try to hide behind it.

He also tries to hide behind the Constitution he despises.