Guns, guns, guns, guns

I'm saying that this was BEFORE various state gun laws. I agree that the "law" were a gun has to be unloaded and locked away is unnecessary in a household with sane, responsible parents. Bottom line: the "locked box" scenario really pertains to teenagers and potential theft, NOT little kids.
Any such law is unconstitutional.
The rest of your screed is misleading, as the mass shootings were committed by teens on up, who either legally purchased their weapons of choice or obtained them through illegal means. BIG FREAKING DIFFERENCE from some little kid grabbing Dad's loaded gun and accidentally shooting someone (which still happens occasionally in this country).
Kids steal cars and hurt people with them too. They steal matches and hurt people with them. Raise your kids properly, dumbass.
It's about time YOU acknowledge the FACTS that the weapons of choice for the majority of mass shootings in the last 25 years were those that were formally banned.
Unconstitutional. It is illegal to ban or limit any weapon.

The favored guns used in mass shootings are pistols (typically .22 or 9mm semiautomatic).
Register guns like cars,
and you lower criminal purchase...
No such thing.
couple this with renewing the 1994 AWB, and you change the dynamic regarding mass shootings.

If you want to get rid of 'mass shootings', shoot back.

Aside from re-iterating that the left can't meme; Wtf is the deal with the pic? Looks like Lucille Ball.
I'm saying that this was BEFORE various state gun laws. I agree that the "law" were a gun has to be unloaded and locked away is unnecessary in a household with sane, responsible parents. Bottom line: the "locked box" scenario really pertains to teenagers and potential theft, NOT little kids.

The rest of your screed is misleading, as the mass shootings were committed by teens on up, who either legally purchased their weapons of choice or obtained them through illegal means. BIG FREAKING DIFFERENCE from some little kid grabbing Dad's loaded gun and accidentally shooting someone (which still happens occasionally in this country).

It's about time YOU acknowledge the FACTS that the weapons of choice for the majority of mass shootings in the last 25 years were those that were formally banned. Register guns like cars, and you lower criminal purchase...couple this with renewing the 1994 AWB, and you change the dynamic regarding mass shootings.

Again and again, I point

That's a lie. The most common weapon is semi-automatic pistols which never have been banned.

It seems you want your opinion to override rights granted to all people by our Founding Fathers because you think you're smarter than they are or something; and/or want to disarm the populace so something very tyrannical can happen. Well you're not, and fuck off with that.
Read the "assault weapon ban," then come back and tell me what was "banned."

"The biggest of the various loopholes in the bill was that it only applied to the specified types of weapons and large-capacity magazines that were created after the bill became law, meaning that there was nothing illegal about owning or selling such a weapon or magazine that had been created before the law was signed."

So, every one of my "assault weapons" that I already owned was legal and were NOT BANNED!
In fact, I purchased 2 of them from the Army during Clinton's "Assault weapons Ban." Whaaa...

Taichiliberal simply discards history and write fiction for 'history'.
He just doesn't understand that it is unconstitutional to ban or limit any gun or any other weapon.
So you're incapable of an honest, objective debate on the subject as you essentially reject out of hand any information that contradicts your beliefs.

When folk use a source that is outrageously biased, I can at least discuss the content of that source while expressing disdain for it. That way, I can logically prove it wrong when necessary.

Obviously, you're incapable/unwilling to do such. So there is no further point in discussing this with you.

The New York Times is not the Constitution, dumbass. It is unconstitutional to ban or limit any weapon, including any gun.
The New York Times is not the Constitution, dumbass. It is unconstitutional to ban or limit any weapon, including any gun.

If one actually exchanges with "pidgin" keep in mind he thinks God created guns so that man could have them and everyone has unlimited use of one, apparently, even a six year old who wants to shoot the teacher
If one actually exchanges with "pidgin" keep in mind he thinks God created guns so that man could have them and everyone has unlimited use of one, apparently, even a six year old who wants to shoot the teacher

He babbles with the mindset of a mentally unhinged troll....which is why he made my ignore list in the first week of the New Year.