Guns, Guns, Guns

I'd be happy to teach any American how to shoot a hole through the center of anyone supporting a traitorous pedophile and child murderer.

That's nice, you fuckin' freak. You do that. Doesn't mean real Americans won't get you and them, you POS.

And I don't shoot holes through the center of anyone. That's bound to cause unnecassary pain. I shoot holes through the center of heads; because that's what counts.

When I was 12, I used to nail shotgun shells to saplings and pop the primer with my bb gun or a .22. For fun. Topping out trees with a shotgun shell.

I can hit a rabbit on the run in the head about 80% of the time. I wish it was always, but it's not like that.

Who's a child murderer, Dutchy? What the fuck is going on in your delusional head right now?
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That's nice, you fuckin' freak. You do that. Doesn't mean real Americans won't get you and them, you POS.

And I don't shoot holes through the center of anyone. That's bound to cause unnecassary pain. I shoot holes through the center of heads; because that's what counts.

When I was 12, I used to nail shotgun shells to saplings and pop the primer with my bb gun or a .22. For fun. Topping out trees with a shotgun shell.

I can hit a rabbit on the run in the head about 80% of the time. I wish it was always, but it's not like that.

Who's a child murderer, Dutchy? What the fuck is going on in your delusional head right now?
Matt, you're the best example of a typical MAGA supporter on JPP! Congrats, dude. :thup:
Matt, you're the best example of a typical MAGA supporter on JPP! Congrats, dude. :thup:

Let's see your best target, Dutch Fuck. Here's a good one of mine:


1-3 o'clock was still dialing it in. 4 o'clock and the bullseye are 5 shot groupings.

Yeah, I left it like it was, because that's good enough. :tongout:

Unlike you, I really know how to shoot and have a lot of experience with it, and a talent for it, even.

I pulled to the right on the grouping shots. 11 o'clock tells the tale.

What do you got, some man-targets from 7 yards? That's a 9-inch paper plate, faggot. From more than 7 yards.

I probably am more accurate with a bow than you are with a gun. I do like accuracy.

The pic is bigger than the actual plate.

What I don't think about ever is shooting the center of people. I don't want to have to kill another human being ever; But if I had to, I guess I could.

My cousin and uncles killed Nazi men, and even though they were killers, they were good men and the salt of the earth.

I'm not that much different than them. I wish I was more like them, really.

Except for having the D-Day nightmares; That looked like it sucked. He told me about it 1 time..a guy he went through basic with..the dude's leg got blown off and flew right in front of his face splatting blood on it it while

mortar fire was raining down everywhere. The whole leg..and then his friend was there in the artillery crater with him, bleeding to death with no leg and definitely gonna die. That's WW2 reality.

A lot of times if he fell asleep he'd be right back there and having nightmares. For all the rest of his life. I'm proud and happy to have been able to put him to rest. He won't have any more nightmares.

He took good care of me, too. I'm like him, I can't cook like his bride, but I make a mean tuna fiish.

Psst. I can cook like his bride with some things. :D

Yeah, I know how to cook. I never forgot the tuna fish stuff, though. He fed me; God bless him!

He did make a "mean tuna fish". Yes, he did.
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Look at the size of the staples. Compare the bullet dia. to the marker lines = .22. Usual rifle .22 target distances are 50 ft. 50 yd. 100 yd. and a few 200 yd. That was 50 ft.

Yessir! And .22, too. 1-3 o'clock are not dialed in.

.220 Swift is just as accurate or.ehh..I got a good .22. That was a .22 though.

My 2 most accurate guns are .22 and 30-.06.
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I'd say my .220 is the most accurate, followed by the .243 and .30-06. Then the M1-A and the M-1.
I've owned the .220 for 50 years. Action was honed smooth as silk and the bolt trued. A checkered walnut stock sports a floated 26" SS barrel topped with a 6.5-20X Leupold Gold Ring.

My best friend's uncle had one in free-floated Boyd's stock. It was all slicked up. One of the nicest shooting guns I've ever experienced, too bad it's a buck a pop. His ammo was self-loaded, too, so maybe less than a buck a

pop. I'm very critical of guns that aren't accurate, and I got nothing but good to say about .220 Swift. That's a good one! :good4u:

I was spoiled when I was younger, started out with a tack driver Marlin Model 60, then experienced other guns through the years that aren't as accurate.. :whoa:

Many were disappointing. Savage 30-.06, .220 Swift (I think Remington), Ruger Security 6 .357, BAR .270, and..Oh! S&W Model 10-7 were not.

IMO, the bullet has to at least touch the other bullet or I don't like it. Semi-unrealistic, I know, but dammit! I know how good a gun can be.

I used to pop off shotgun shells with my .22 for fun.
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Oh! All that overgrown grass that's a fire hazard was something was something the people definitely needed. :rolleyes:

Go Fuck Yourself with a Saguaro, k?

Did you not get any dick last night at the men's room in the park? I'm so sorry to hear that, but you don't need to take your frustrations out everyone else.
There are fishing licenses to protect the fish population.

That tweet about halfway through this thread shows how limited the thinking can be on these issues. These aren't colonial times.

Yeah, that's all total bullshit, too. It's about making the government money; That's all.