Guns, Guns, Guns

It is obvious you have nothing left to say. Done here.

No! Don't Go! I'm LOVING this conversation with such an esteemed colleague! Don't go away!!!

The founders attempted to form a democratic republic
and wrote a constitution so fraught with ill-advised ideas
that the republic absolutely had to carom off the tracks. Nothing else could happen with their hair-brained concept for a new type of government.

What's more, under said constitution, there is absolutely no way to correct the inevitable disasters that ensued.

As we stand now, there is no way to repair America by democratic means.

It's well past time to blow it all up and start over.
Red states are dragging the whole nation to something beneath third world status.
Their deficient inhabitants--I hesitate to call them people-- cannot be included in a workable democracy.
We need to proceed without them, because failing to do so, we're accepting their grotesquely perverted values.
That devolves us all to sub-human status and cannot be allowed to happen.
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The founders attempted to form a democratic republic
There is no such thing as a 'democratic republic'. Buzzword fallacy.
and wrote a constitution so fraught with ill-advised ideas
Government by law (a constitution) is called a republic.
that the republic absolutely had to carom off the tracks.
It didn't. Democrats simply discard the Constitution of the United States and the constitutions of the several States.
Nothing else could happen with their hair-brained concept for a new type of government.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You don't even know how to use this cliche correctly!
What's more, under said constitution, there is absolutely no way to correct the inevitable disasters that ensued.
Apparently Article V is quite unknown to you.
As we stand now, there is no way to repair America by democratic means.
America is not a democracy and never was.
It's well past time to blow it all up and start over.
Your call for civil war is already noted.
Red states are dragging the whole nation to something beneath third world status.
There is only one world. It's called 'Earth'.
Their deficient inhabitants--I hesitate to call them people-- cannot be included in a workable democracy.
There is no democracy in America and never was.
We need to proceed without them, because failing to do so, we're accepting their grotesquely perverted values.
That devolves us all to sub-human status and cannot be allowed to happen.
Your call for civil war is already noted.

You start that shit, you WILL lose.
There are no Nazis. The Nazi party was a socialist party, like Democrats. Trump is not a Democrat.

Racism. Inversion fallacy.

I think you are fucking around. You cannot be that stupid. You play contrarian and opposites. Try a little honesty.
Like that crap, we are not a democracy. You are trying to deflect with a specific definition calling us a republic, which somehow in your cheating heart, you define as not a democracy. There are endless organizations that list us a democracy. We have called ourselves a democracy from the early times.
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I think you are fucking around. You cannot be that stupid. You play contrarian and opposites. Try a little honesty.
Like that crap, we are not a democracy. You are trying to deflect with a specific definition calling us a republic, which somehow in your cheating heart, you define as not a democracy. There are endless organizations that list us a democracy. We have called ourselves a democracy from the early times.

The United States was never a democracy. No matter how you try, you cannot change the definition of either a democracy or a republic.

A democracy is government by popular vote. There is no constitution. There are no representatives. It is an unstable form of government. It usually dissolves into an oligarchy or dictatorship (Athens became a dictatorship).

A republic is government by law, or a constitution. There are representatives (officers) defined by that constitution, what power and authority they have, and describes how they are to be elected.

You don't want either. You want an oligarchy, which is a dictatorship by committee.

I don't define these words. Others have defined them quite awhile ago (in ancient Rome and Greece). You can't change their definitions. I am not trying to deflect anything. YOU are trying to do that. Inversion fallacy.
There is no such thing as a 'democratic republic'. Buzzword fallacy.

Government by law (a constitution) is called a republic.

It didn't. Democrats simply discard the Constitution of the United States and the constitutions of the several States.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You don't even know how to use this cliche correctly!

Apparently Article V is quite unknown to you.

America is not a democracy and never was.

Your call for civil war is already noted.

There is only one world. It's called 'Earth'.

There is no democracy in America and never was.

Your call for civil war is already noted.

You start that shit, you WILL lose.

Milquetoast macaw is, without question, one of the most stupid organisms living on this planet.

I'm glad that my posts inspire him/her/it to reveal his/her/its stupidity at its most ridiculous for all to see.

This thing is approaching TDAK as the quintessential example of a devolved trumpanzee mutant.
Unfortunately for Milquetoast McCaw, he/she/it doesn't even get to be one of the smarter, walnut-sized brained trumpanzees.
We're definitely looking at the BB-brained variety here.