T. A. Gardner
Thread Killer
Fascism is contrary to socialism. fascism is rule by a powerful dictator working with corporations. That is simply not socialism. Communism is working in a couple of nations. I cannot ban guns. Can you understand that? If I could I would do it in a nanosecond. Guns have an ugly side that makes America ugly. Mass murders, accidental shootings and suicides can be slashed significantly. That would be good.
Fascism is a form of socialism. Most socialist and all communist states end up as dictatorships. It is a necessity to force socialism or communism to work. You have to have an authoritarian and dictatorial government vested with power in order to impose socialism or communism on a nation. That fascist governments prefer statist capitalism to outright socialism (that is, letting the means of production remain in private hands so long as the government has say on what those means do versus the government owing the means of production) doesn't change the socialist nature of fascism.
Fascism, like socialism and communism, subjugates the individual to the will of the state.
As for "communism is working in a couple of nations" I'd be curious to know which ones? N. Korea? Cuba? Vietnam, Laos, and China all claim to be communist but all are far more modeled today as fascist states than communist. The means of production are largely in private hands with the government controlling things from behind the scene. So, of the two that are still actually practicing some form of communism--N. Korea, and Cuba--in which is this form of economic system working?
As for America's crime issues. While this may sound racist, it isn't. It's an observation about crime in America. If the US were tomorrow to lose the entirety of its Black population, they just disappeared or whatever, most of America's crime issues--certainly the worst of them--would disappear too. That's simply an observable fact. Most crime in America is the result of actions by Blacks, and most of that crime is committed against other Blacks.