Guns Save Lives

What you claim is true, guns can save lives. Nothing turns a criminal away from crime like a gun pointed in their face. That is why cities with stricter gun laws, have a higher crime rate. And cities with looser gun laws are safer. Think about it this way, would you go rob a house in Texas? :awesome:

The South (which has the least restrictive gun laws, that also includes Texas) has higher murder rates compared to those states which have more stout gun laws.

How does a bullet stop something from moving?

More obfuscation from those who endorse the killing of our kids.

you really have no idea that a bullet can stop something from moving? wow. clay target shooting....i'm pretty sure bullets stop those. you can also shoot vehicles to stop them.

btw, you're a sick fuck to claiming he endorses the killing of our kids. such hateful dishonest will only HURT any chance you have a more strict gun laws.
Guns Save Lives

It's all too predictable. A day after a gunman killed six people and wounded 18 others at Northern Illinois University, The New York Times criticized the U.S. Interior Department for preparing to rethink its ban on guns in national parks.

The editorial board wants "the 51 senators who like the thought of guns in the parks -- and everywhere else, it seems -- to realize that the innocence of Americans is better protected by carefully controlling guns than it is by arming everyone to the teeth."

As usual, the Times editors seem unaware of how silly their argument is. To them, the choice is between "carefully controlling guns" and "arming everyone to the teeth." But no one favors "arming everyone to the teeth" (whatever that means). Instead, gun advocates favor freedom, choice and self-responsibility. If someone wishes to be prepared to defend himself, he should be free to do so. No one has the right to deprive others of the means of effective self-defense, like a handgun.
Does "" or "" contribute non biased stories or the same ole same ole groupthink fist fuck tow the party line or narrow minded agenda driven bullshit?

Have you ever linked crackie?
Same way that pepper spray or a taser does.

More ignorance from a brain-dead lib who wants our kids to be unprotected.

You ever see someone tased?

Do they lie motionless or do they twitch and jitter uncontrollably?

Yeah...a taser really stops someone from moving...another total horseshit claim from DY easily proven false.

And of course the YurTard backs him up because it allows our YurTard to spew more hate and vitriol over the person who highlights the YurTard's lies.
You ever see someone tased?

Do they lie motionless or do they twitch and jitter uncontrollably?

Yeah...a taser really stops someone from moving...another total horseshit claim from DY easily proven false.

And of course the YurTard backs him up because it allows our YurTard to spew more hate and vitriol over the person who highlights the YurTard's lies.

yeah...because you were really talking about twitching and jittering and not forward momentum toward his or her destination


nice petty insults are incapable of civil discussuion you two faced dopuchebag
why are left wing goobers like topstain so afraid of guns? guns do in fact save lives, but when topspin thinks of guns he wets himself. i do not understand the belief that only the government can carry guns. it boggles the mind how easily some lefties give up their freedoms.....

Ridiculous two-faced hypocrisy.

Gun nuts claim guns don't KILL, but that guns DO save lives.

"Guns don't kill" they wail..."people kill".

Guns don't save lives...PEOPLE save lives.

Yurt and the other gun nuts can't have it both ways... but everyone watch while they try to do just that.
Then please, by all means...explain to me what other purposes bullets were designed for.

To kill and maim. That is the point. That is why stupid fuckers like you won't come on my property. You know I a sufficiently armed. You have nothing to fear from me. So go live your live. Just leave me alone. Deal?
Ridiculous two-faced hypocrisy.

Gun nuts claim guns don't KILL, but that guns DO save lives.

"Guns don't kill" they wail..."people kill".

Guns don't save lives...PEOPLE save lives.

Yurt and the other gun nuts can't have it both ways... but everyone watch while they try to do just that.

you do realize i use the phrase so i can speak down to YOUR level. it also is simply using a common understanding in order to reach the masses and get my point across.

i've even made several posts that guns alone do not kill. but i know the thread is above your intellectual capacity and will understand if you choose to not debate the issue and instead focus on boring semantics and lame gotcha games.