Guns Save Lives

i see santa pissed in zappas stocking.... is not a colloquialism that people, not guns, kill people you simple minded fool

So "Guns don't kill people, people kill people"?

But "Guns save people, guns don't kill people"?

Which is it?

Righties like to claim that "guns don't kill people...people kill people."

But Yurt claims that "guns save lives"...which is impossible.

He can't provide one example of a gun performing CPR or rescuing a drowning swimmer.

If guns don't kill people, then it's logical to conclude that guns don't SAVE people either.

But Yurt's hate for me is so great he refuses to admit that simple truth.

Another derisive post from Yurt, who ironically was just whining about others doing just that.

you're a broken record're the one who brought up derision, you're just pissed because i call out your two faced bullshit

and here i thought you would try and be honest over the holidays

my bad
you're a broken record're the one who brought up derision, you're just pissed because i call out your two faced bullshit

and here i thought you would try and be honest over the holidays

my bad

Oh that's right...Yurt doesn't whine about derision...except when he's whining about derision...typical two-faced YurTitmouse.

educating zappa on the truth is now lying

poor zappa, all upset because santa pissed in his stocking

That's right Yurt...repeating a lie is indeed lying. As you've demonstrated over and over.

Nice to see you finally admitting and accepting your shortcomings.
my good lord

i thought the palm smiley was a dead give away for stating how dumb YOUR statement about colloquialisms was

fuck you and your lies zappa

Deny your very own words right in front o everyone's eyes.

It's just one of the reasons why you have ZERO credibility on these forums.