Gunz, and more gunz


Nitpicker. So? You know what they mean.
Why do you want to die?

Putin has his bothole programmers write them like that

No Russian bot hole will get violent for trumps lies

The walking brain dead trump voters will get violent

We will have to blow them away in the streets

Cops and national guard will take them out

We already have the FBI on these low count brain cell boys

Prison or death

It’s about all they can hope for
Sounds good bitch.

Going to see your noisy punk ass out there right?
Guns are the number one killer of our youth. There’s a reason the US leads industrialized countries in gun violence. The ease of access. Period.

Yet, you fucks want to put all your energy into preventing transgenders from participating in women’s sports or drag queens from reading to kids. Meanwhile, our youth are dying like never before and your energies are directed to perpetuating that situation.
Take away the gang banger teenagers killing each other from the "kids" pool and guns aren't even close to first.

Lying scumbag you are or just stupid. Either way you should STFU until you know something.