Gunz, and more gunz


Do you see a CORRELATION?
Awwww lookit the stupid American thinking he's making a HUGE POINT. Wow. So sweet. What a moron.

Let us know when the per capita rate of knife violence in the UK gets even to 1% of the current rate for gun violence in America.

The violent crime rate in the UK was 33.4 per 1,000. Among whites in the U.S. it was 24 the same year, 1922.

lol dumbass.
So you have nothing. We already knew that. You're really lousy at trying to be clever n stuff, so why do you keep posting on topics you know nothing at all about?

Dumbass. 103 years ago? You had to go back 103 years to find a number.

Why not try living in the here and now?
Dumbass. 103 years ago? You had to go back 103 years to find a number.

Why not try living in the here and now?

You go with that typo; you have pretty much zero anywhere else.

Meanwhile most people can note the white parts of the U.S. are safer than Britain and most of Europe for that matter, and those whites own the vast majority of personal firearms here, running into well over a hundred million of them, so even you know it isn't guns that are the problem here or in Europe for that matter.